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My buttons jingled, so I turned my coat, though I'm no turn-coat; once a friend, always a friend. So I followed you, Barnaby Bright, I came to warn you of the shadow, it grows blacker every day, back there in the great city, waiting for you, Barnaby Bright, to smother you to quench hope, and light, and life itself. But I shall be there, and She. Aha!

FAITH. O! they say, Hang him, he is a turn-coat; he was not true to his profession. CHR. Had you no talk with him before you came out? FAITH. I met him once in the streets, but be leered away on the other side, as one ashamed of what he had done; so I spake not to him. FAITH. These are my fears of him too; but who can hinder that which will be?

Another cup of wine and while that turn-coat bell, that just now mournfully chanted the obsequies of 1820 departed, with changed notes lustily rings in a successor, let us attune to its peal the song made on a like occasion, by hearty, cheerful Mr. Cotton.

Porto-Carrero was the turn-coat from every cause: as a politician he was annihilated. In this affair, Cardinal d'Estrées had been, without knowing it, the tool of Madame des Ursins. "He was," according to Saint Simon, "a hot, hasty, impetuous, high-handed man, who could tolerate neither superior nor equal."

It isn't playing the game." "But you're seeking converts?" "I would despise no man in the world so much as a hypocrite, a turn-coat! You can't purchase faith in the market place, not any more than " "Any more than you can purchase love? But I've been wanting not the sermon, but the preacher. You! You! Yes, it is the truth. I want nothing else in the world so much as you."

And so we shall arrive at the reverse kind of folly, an admiration and bad imitation of foreign pride and pomp, an arrogant individualism and a hardening of our human feeling. The intellectual war profiteers, who are all for radicalism to-day, will soon be wearing cornflowers in their button-holes. For the third time we shall see an illustration of the naïve shamelessness of the turn-coat.

"They were going to read it at first, but they decided not to. After all, the little Governor's not afraid to utter his thoughts." "I've more respect for him than for Latham," Windham answered. "He's to make a speech today. Only a few weeks ago he damned us up and down in Congress. Now he's for the Union. I despise a turn-coat."

The turn-coat movement began when a shortsighted crowd, incapable of judgment, and with their minds clouded with a few cheap phrases, expected from a quick and victorious war the strengthening of all the elements of Force, and feared to be left stranded. Even the most threadbare kind of liberalism appeared to be compromising, they clamoured for "shining armour."

"No lies, no roguery, or I'll have you at the whipping-post," roared the governor. "Speak up. Where are the parties?" "Near about here," stammered Louis, "and you may ask your new turn-coat." I was betrayed! Betrayed and trapped; but he should not go free! I would have shouted out, but Hamilton's hand silenced me. "Here!" exclaimed the astounded governor. "Go call that young Nor'-Wester!

If the young Nor'-Wester and Laplante came together, my disguise as Highlander and turn-coat would be stripped from me and I should be trapped indeed. "Good-by, old boy!" and I gripped Hamilton's hand. "If he stays, he's your game. When he goes, he's mine. Good luck to us both! You'll come south when you're better."