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"That's not fair. You know how fond I am of you." "But Clark doesn't need you and I do." "Do you object to my having friends?" she said tremulously. "Elsie, will you marry me to-morrow?" Belding's voice was shaky but in deadly earnest. "What nonsense." He shook his head. "It isn't to me, I mean it. There is no one else. There never will be. Can't you realize that?"

Miss Danton said; "you look like some stray spirit wandering ghostily around this place. What is the matter now, that you look so wretchedly forlorn?" Agnes looked up in the beautiful, pitying face, with her heart in her eyes. "Nothing," she said, tremulously, "but the old trouble, that never leaves me. I think sometimes I am the most unhappy creature in the whole wide world."

We can't live Jim never does anything for us." In Peter's watery stare was abject fright. "Lorelei wouldn't let us suffer," he ventured, tremulously. "I'm sick. I may die any time, so the doctor says." He was indeed a changed man; that easy good humor that had been his most likable trait had been lost in habitual peevishness.

I remember" her voice broke "how you wrung my hand! And you never had any suspicion before?" "Never. And it makes no difference, Diana to you and me none. I want you to understand that now at once." She looked at him, smiling tremulously.

"But it is too late," she said tremulously. "Is it too late for me to help you?" At that her eyes rose to his again in a swift flash of hunted fear. "Oh, take me away from him!" she breathed suddenly, unpremeditately. "Somehow somewhere " Another figure came towards them. Madame De Coulevain in all her severe elegance of black.

"Is it Sergeant Troy?" said the blurred spot in the snow, tremulously. This person was so much like a mere shade upon the earth, and the other speaker so much a part of the building, that one would have said the wall was holding a conversation with the snow. "Yes," came suspiciously from the shadow. "What girl are you?" "Oh, Frank don't you know me?" said the spot. "Your wife, Fanny Robin."

And because her hand went to her heart, and her lips parted tremulously, Harboro stopped. It was as if he felt he must make amends. Yet his words were the inevitable banalities. "You have a fine view here," he said. "A fine view!" she echoed, a little incredulously. It was plain that she did not agree with him. "There is plenty of sun and air," she conceded after a pause.

It was trying to laugh her out of her dignity, but without eliciting an answer, when, one afternoon just as they were entering together upon the esplanade, he felt her hand tighten upon his own with a nervous frightened clutch, as she pressed tremulously to his side. "What is it, my dear? That dog is not barking at you. He only wants to have a stick thrown into the sea for him." "Oh not the dog!

Doctor Long Ghost was all sympathy. "Bill, my good fellow," said he, tremulously, "let me go and talk to her." But Bill, declining the offer, would not even inform us where his charmer lived. How his suit prospered in the end we never learned.

"He he would have killed you," she said, tremulously, her face the picture of combined agony and relief. She remembered the blighting kisses and then the averted disaster. "You what did you say to him?" he asked. "I I oh, I will not tell you," she cried. "I beg of you!" "I told him that he was to was to put down his gun." "I know that, but why?" he persisted. "I Ach, to save you, stupid!"