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De Vlierbeck gazed earnestly at his sleeping child, and raised his eyes to heaven as he said, tremulously, "Thanks, Almighty Father! she is happy! Let my martyrdom be prolonged; but may all my sufferings render thee compassionate for her!"

Where's Della and the baby?" "In here, mother, and bless you for coming!" said the big fellow, stepping softly towards the bedroom. But his mother was there before him, her arms slipping tenderly about the two small beings on the bed. "It wasn't my fault, daughter," she said, tremulously. "I know it," faintly smiled Della.

"No, Nick, no! It isn't that," she told him tremulously. "I know what I want perfectly well. But but I can't put it into words. I can't! I can't!" "Is that it?" said Nick. His manner changed completely. He bent down again. She heard the old note of banter in his voice, but mingled with it was a tenderness so utter that she scarcely recognised it. "Then, my dear girl, in Heaven's name, don't try!

The pulse was very distinct in the veins of the soft little warm hand lying tremulously beneath his. "Listen! There it is again, the call of the Wild, the voice out of the Primitive inviting strong souls back into the boundless realm of the great First Cause. Are you brave enough to accept it, to go out and be the most gloriously fierce wolf of them all?"

They had talked and walked, and been tremulously interested in each other; but she remembered nothing that had been said until they turned to go home. Then arose an exact vision of herself and Ulick walking under the graceful trees which overhung the Piccadilly railings. There the park had been shaped into little dells, and it had reminded her of the picture in the Dulwich Gallery.

Coralie asked tremulously. "With pleasure," said Lucien. He could feel the beating of her heart throbbing against his like some snared bird as she nestled closely to his side, with something of the delight of a cat that rubs herself against her master with eager silken caresses. "So we are supping together!" she said.

With a sharp rattle John Johnstone's glass crashed untasted on the table, and the red wine splashed like blood on the white napery. The parson looked at him, and the colour forsook his cheek. Mistress Mary glanced tremulously from one to another, and half rose in consternation. The colour flushed high in Betty Ives' cheek. "Was this then the mystery?" The absent king held all her sympathies. Mr.

"They are Brazilian stones," he explained, with a boyish pleasure that awoke memories and held her speechless. "I believe it's very difficult, if not impossible, to buy them now. My father got them after the war and I had them remounted." And he pressed them against the pink lobes of her ears. "You look like the Queen of Sheba." "How do you know?" she asked tremulously. "You never saw her."

After that we will go below and I will see that you are taken to some quiet place where you can remain undisturbed till the Coroner comes." Had she been a weak woman she would have succumbed again at this. But she was a strong one, and after the first moment of recoil she rose tremulously to her feet and signified her willingness to follow him to the scene of death.

I had to repeat the words before they broke her trance. "Yes," she answered. Suddenly, impulsively, she turned toward me, her face almost feverish, her eyes astonishingly large and bright. "I haven't told you much," she acknowledged tremulously; "but you won't think that I don't trust you.