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Serait-elle revenue expres pour la piece d'Auber. On dit, en effet, que dans tous ses operas, Auber offre le principal role a Mme Moulton, qui possede une voix ravissante. The Emperor once said to Auber: "Dites-moi, quel age avez-vous? On dit que vous avez quatre-vingt ans." "Sire," answered Auber, "je n'ai pas quatre- vingt ans, mais quatre fois vingt ans." Is he not clever?

Indeed, Monsieur D'A , your literature is at a very reduced ebb; bombastic in the drama shallow in philosophy mawkish in poetry, your writers of the present day seem to think, with Boileau "'Souvent de tous nos maux la raison est le pire." "Surely," cried Madame D'Anville, "you will allow De la Martine's poetry to be beautiful?"

Ce qu'il y a de pis c'est le mécontentement général, et la pauvreté universelle. Cette malheureuse révolution et ces suites ont ruiné le pays, de fond en comble. Tout le monde est pauvre, et, ce qui est pis, leurs institutions empêchent qu'aucune famille devienne riche et puissante. Tous doivent donc nécessairement viser

I wish him to come neuf to all those great and important questions, and examine them sans l'esprit de systeme, without prejudice and strong inclination to be of either side, but to investigate the truth, and adopt it. Il est fait pour raisonner; il commence etre d'un age ou le jugement acquerera tous les jours de la maturite. My love to him, I beg.

Jerome sent for his son, then a lad, to visit him at Rome, where he remained several months, treated with affection by his father and with maternal kindness by the princess, who went two leagues to meet him, and taking his face between her hands said tearfully, "Ah! mon enfant, je suis la cause innocente de tous vos malheurs." She evinced always the utmost interest in her predecessor. Mme.

The sailor answered with a shrug and a spreading of empty hands. "Pas de money-belt, pas de pantalon, pas de tous! Dam queer Amayricain!" Jim was not convinced of the sailor's innocence, but perceived that he must give him the benefit of the doubt. As the sailor intimated, Jim, himself, was open to suspicion, and couldn't afford to be too zealous in calumniating others.

How inferior in wit, in acuteness, in stratagem, was Douce to Vargrave; and yet Douce had gulled him like a child! Well said the shrewd small philosopher of France "On peut etre plus fin qu'un autre, mais pas plus fin que tous les autres."* * One may be more sharp than one's neighbour, but one can't be sharper than all one's neighbours.

Vous m'offrez une pension, a moi, qui n'a rien fait pour vous. Mais en avez-vous donne a tous les braves gens qui ont perdu bras et jambes en vos services?" "Well," said the king, laughing, "if being a ruffian makes one a philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau deserves to be called the greatest philosopher in the world.

Many Cossacks and Bashkirs had been quartered in this inn; the people, as usual, would not allow them any good qualities, but often repeated, with evident chagrin "Ils mangent comme des diables; ils ont mangé tous les poulets."

Rossini talked a long time with Gounod, and Auber told me that Rossini said, patting Gounod on the back, "Vous etes le chevalier Bayard de la musique." Gounod answered, "Sans peur, non!" Rossini said, "Dans tous les cas, sans reproche et sans egal." Gounod is, I think, the gentlest, the most modest, and the kindest-hearted man in the world. His music is like him, gentle and graceful.