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Rushing into the trembling Italian's house, he said, in his four- or five-language style: "You tog! don't I know better as yourself vaat it pest for you to sing? If you vill not sing all de song vaat I give you, I vill not pay you ein stiver." Among the anecdotes told of Handel's passion is one growing out of the composer's peculiar sensitiveness to discords.

A wagon followed, carrying the kits of the Gridley boys. There were two more stages for the band. All the other travelers had to depend on the street-car service. Finding the stages rather crowded, Dick nudged Darrin, then made for the kit wagon. "I really believe we'll have more comfort, Dave," proposed Prescott, "if we get aboard, this rig and ride on top of the tog bags."

Who put ta creat cranson of Inverriggen should pe cutting ta troat of ta tog Clenlyon!" As he spoke, he was running wildly about the room, brandishing his weapon, knocking over chairs, and sweeping bottles and dishes from the table. The clatter was tremendous: and the smile had faded from the faces of the men who had provoked the disturbance.

"Damn the devil! and that's not swearing," exclaimed Short such a long sentence out of his mouth was added to the marvels of the night some even shrugged up their shoulders at that, as if it also were supernatural. "I always say so," said Jansen, "I always say so no tog, no tog, after all." "No, no," replied Coble, shaking his head.

In a way his home was as completely transformed as hers. He washed his face and hands, and started for a better coat. His sleeping room shone with clean windows, curtained in snowy white. A freshly ironed suit of underclothing and a shirt lay on his bed. Dannie stared at them. "She think's I'll tog up in them, and come courtin'" he growled. "I'll show her if I do! I winna touch them!"

Morris could tog himself up as much as he liked, and he was always a good 'un at that when he had the brass, but he'd never be able to make himself her sort. And if she's a real lady, and wasn't after the brass, then I don't believe that she ever wrote him love-letters. What?" Wrayson said nothing. The young man held out his empty glass to a waiter. "More brandy," he ordered briefly.

That is a good deal of money, my boy, especially to one in my circumstances; and so I thought to myself, if I could only win that reward, I could tog up in good shape and enter the business world once more. I've been aiming for that, and I mean to gather it in." "I sincerely hope you may Mr. Shanks."

When he woke, Duncan still slept, and Malcolm having got ready some tea for his grandfather's, and a little brose for his own breakfast, sat down again by the bedside, and awaited the old man's waking. The first sign of it that reached him was the feebly uttered question, "Will ta tog be tead, Malcolm?" "As sure 's ye stabbit him," answered Malcolm.

He had preserved this attitude throughout the address and was now breathing hard. "Vell!" said Bludoffski, impatiently. Mr. O'Royster drew a more resonant breath, long, deep and mellow. "He sleep!" cried Bludoffski, in scornful fury. "Der tog! He sleep ven I tell him " He sprang up, ran across the room and returned with a huge carving-knife.

"Dot ish lige me," he remarked, phlegmatically, at the conclusion of her tale. "Von nighd I hears somedings what make me scare. I know notings what he ish; I shust hears a noise, an' I shumpt de bed out, and ran de shtairs down, and looked de window out, and it wasn't notings but a leetle tog going 'Bow wow."