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"Damn the devil! and that's not swearing," exclaimed Short such a long sentence out of his mouth was added to the marvels of the night some even shrugged up their shoulders at that, as if it also were supernatural. "I always say so," said Jansen, "I always say so no tog, no tog, after all." "No, no," replied Coble, shaking his head.

Here is your warrant, and I've great pleasure in getting it for you." Swinburne turned the quid in his cheek, and then replied, "May I be so bold as to ax, Captain O'Brien, whether I must wear one of them long tog, swallow-tailed coats because, if so, I'd prefer being a quarter-master?"

His foretopsail is loose already; and besides the doctor ordered you to overhaul him; but I see you don't mind what your master says." Here he was interrupted with, "Splutter and cons! you lousy tog, who do you call my master?

The whole of the ship's company were taken aback they looked at one another and shook their heads one only remark was made by Jansen, who muttered, "De tog is no tog a'ter all."

Every one was in a bad humour when the affair was made known; but Smallbones observed, "that the dog could be no such great friend, as supposed, of Vanslyperken's, to thwart his interests in that way; and certainly no imp sent by the devil to his assistance." The ship's company were consoled with this idea, and Jansen again repeated, "that the tog was but a tog, after all."

And if you go to a picnic, just when the fun commences you have to nick off home and milk, and when you tog yourself on Sunday evening you have to undress again and lay into the milking, and then you have to change everything on you and have a bath, or your best girl would scent the cow-yard on you, and not have you within cooee of her.

No one ever heard of the devil's eye being put out ergo, the dog could not be a devil, or one of his imps: so argued a knot of the men in conclave, and Jansen wound up by observing, "Dat de tog was only a tog after all." Vanslyperken returned to his cabin and stated his intentions to his factotum and confidant, Corporal Van Spitter.

Those girls are giving a dance to-night, and if I liked to go back to Bourke and tog up and go to the dance I could pick out the prettiest, dance with her all the evening, and take her for a stroll afterwards, old tramp as they thought me. I've lived but it wouldn't be worth my while now." I'd seen Jack in a mood like this before, and thought it best to say nothing.

"It was too bad of you, Campbell," he said, "to play the good old man such a dog's trick." At the word Campbell the piper shook off his grandson, and sprang once more to his feet, his head thrown back, and every inch of his body trembling with rage. "She might haf known," he screamed, half choking, "that a cursed tog of a Cawmill was in it!"

Once more did the corporal make his appearance on the forecastle, frightened and out of breath. "Mein Gott! de man is mad," exclaimed he, "and de tog is de tyfel himself." The corporal then narrated in broken English what had passed.