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Darrin, of accusing you of wishing to be disagreeable," spoke up Cadet Fields. "We believe you to be a prince of good and true fellows; in fact, we accept you at the full estimate of the Brigade of Midshipmen. Wade in and beat us to-day, if you can -but you can't Prescott or no Prescott." "Better run inside and tog!" called Wolgast from a distance. "You'll excuse us now, won't you?" asked Dave.

"He is a tog! No, he is no tog: togs is coot. He is a mongrel of a fox and a volf!" "There was no Campbell at our table that evening," persisted Lady Florimel. "Ten who tolt Tuncan MacPhail a lie!" "It was nothing but a joke indeed!" said the girl, beginning to feel humiliated. "It wass a paad choke, and might have peen ta hanging of poor Tuncan," said the piper.

One minute, two, three minutes, it was a dreadfully long time, and then it was the voice of Abe Selover mixed with a long yelp from Quib. "Come on, boys! I've shoved him through. I'm going right up after him. Nothing to pull away but some sods." "Dat's de tog!" exclaimed Mr. Hamburger. "Keep shtill, black poy! De rest of dose vootshucks is coming. Keep shtill."

'Ve vill dry it on the tog, said Darco, and Paul, who never dared to question him as to his meaning, went puzzled for a while. But Darco rarely said a thing once without repeating it many times, and at length Paul understood that the play was to be played 'on the dog, which is theatrical English for the production of a new piece at an obscure house in the country.

The whole of the ship's company were taken aback they looked at one another and shook their heads one only remark was made by Jansen, who muttered, "De tog is no tog a'ter all."

It's not a bad game to go into hotels, for instance, as a traveller, and as soon as you see a chance to sneak anything, to bolt with it. I know some fellows who make a fair living in this way." "Then there is 'twisting' and 'fencing?" "When you go into any place where hats, coats, or umbrellas are left in the lobby, you can take a new 'tog, or a new hat, by mistake for your own.

"He's not on the ship's books, so I can't see how it can be mutiny." "No," rejoined Short. "Mein Got he is not a tog, he is te tyfel," observed Jansen. "Who knows how he came into the cutter?" "There's a queer story about that," said one of the men. Tum tum, tumty tum said the fiddle of Jemmy Ducks, as if it took part in the conference.

"We'll take a sail around," said Captain Lambert; and this they did, continuing the hunt until long after dark. "It's no use!" groaned Dick. "We've missed her." It took nearly all the money the boys could scrape up between them to pay off the captain of the tog, and when they had been landed at one of the docks they wondered what they had best do next.

"Lots of vessels are ordered to sea in a hurry, and not particular in picking up a crew, or perhaps a trifle over-loaded or not properly found, and short-handed in consequence. That's the sort of craft I'd look out for you, and if one wouldn't take you, another would. I'd tog you out like an A.B., and swear you knew your duty." "And what when they found I didn't?"

The plutocrat has his chuffer, a minion of greed and pelf; the poor man must weep and suffer, and drive his own car himself. The plutocrat homeward totters with diamonds to load his girls, and meanwhile my wife and daughters must struggle along with pearls. In silk, with a trademark Latin, the plutocrat's wife appears, and I can afford but satin to tog out my dimpled dears.