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Xo, you may find music in ripplin' water, an' poetry in flowers, an' sunsets, as Phil Gadsby and the parson sez, but give me the poetry of a price list, an' the music of good solid coin upon my counter. Them's the things which tell, an' them's the things we want taught in our schools." Just as Farrington finished, cries of fright fell upon their ears. Turning quickly towards the dancers Mrs.

I like him, sir. I like him exceedingly. He's English to the back bone, damme. Give me honest old England, after all; them's my sentiments, sir!" "I honor your sentiments," cried I zealously. "They are exactly my own. An English ruffian for poetry is as good a ruffian for poetry as any in Italy or Germany, or the Archipelago; but it is hard to make our poets think so."

Presently there was more snickering in the teepee, then Guy came out alone, struck a theatrical attitude and began to recite to a tree above Yan's head: "Kingbird, fearless crested Kingbird, Thou art but a blooming sing bird " But the mud was very handy and Yan hurled a mass that spattered Guy thoroughly and sent him giggling into the teepee. "Them's the bow-kays," Sam was heard to say.

I never believed there was any kindness in the world till I met these two. We left her gasping there and went into the kitchen. "'Poor lost lamb, said Joe, 'them's sad words to hear. "'Sadder to feel they're true about so many others as well, I said. 'But, Joe, be open with me, I said, 'have you spent your savings on this poor soul? "'Yes! he said, 'all but a few shillings.

Them's woolen clothes. Them's the kind of underclothes I like." "You wouldn't like that bunch of underclothes," I said. "Why not?" "Because if you look in the seams you will find something that is unseemly. I've been out in a levee camp." "Hush mah mouf, white man," laughed the negro. "Them little things would never bother a Louisiana nigger. Why we have them things with us all the time.

I've scoured master's room twice over, just to make the boards look white, though the carpet is to cover them, and now you go and cast up about me minding my trouble. If them's the fashions you've learnt in Wales, I'm thankful I've never been there." Sally looked red, indignant, and really hurt. Mr Benson came in with his musical voice and soft words of healing.

Now he's gone, ain't he, colonel?" "Yes, something has come in between." "It's the first thin edge uv the mist. Them's clouds out thar in the northwest, floatin' over the mountings. I'm sorry, colonel, but more snow is comin'. The signs is too plain. Look through that gap an' see what big brown clouds are sailin' up! They're just chock full uv millions uv millions uv tons uv snow!"

"'Them's my orders, ses the skipper, swelling his chest and looking round, 'to everybody. You know wot'll 'appen to you, Joe, if things ain't right when I come back. Come along, Bill, and lock the gate arter me. An' mind, for your own sake, don't let anything 'appen to that gal while I'm away. "'Wot time'll you be back? I ses, as 'e stepped through the wicket.

"D'ye see the little lumps on the shoulder o' each horse?" said Joe. "Them's Injun's feet; an' if we don't want to lose our scalps we'd better make for the forest." Joe proved himself to be in earnest by wheeling round and making straight for the thick woods as fast as his horse could run. The others followed, driving the pack-horses before them.

I know who you are. You're a runaway Frenchy, from the prison yonder, as anyone could tell with half an eye. But you don't know who I am, else you wouldn't try such a plant as that. Why, man, I'm the Bristol Bustler, nine stone champion, and them's my training quarters down yonder.