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"Look here, Roy," he said. "Drop calling me Colonel. You two were like brothers. And as Thea's included, why should I be out of it. Let me be 'Paul." It was hard to do. It was inimitably done. It gave Roy the very lift he needed in that hour when he felt as if they must almost hate him, and never wish to set eyes on him again.

Therefore she must not be approached in the spirit of the tourist. And, emphatically, she must not be approached in a motor-car; at least so far as Thea's guests were concerned. Of course one knew she was approached by irreverent cars; also by tourists unspeakable ones, who made contemptible jokes about 'a slump in house property. But for these vandalisms Thea Leigh was not responsible.

Before daylight, her internal fires went down a little, and she often wakened to find herself drawn up into a tight ball, somewhat stiff in the legs. But that made it all the easier to get up. The acquisition of this room was the beginning of a new era in Thea's life. It was one of the most important things that ever happened to her.

"No," Fred shook his head, "that's merely a figure. I mean that life is not quite so personal here as it is in your part of the world. People are more taken up by hobbies, interests that are less subject to reverses than their personal affairs. If you're interested in Thea's voice, for instance, or in voices in general, that interest is just the same, even if your mining stocks go down."

He caught her elbow and hurried her along the path before the cliff-houses. They made the half-mile at a quick trot, and as they ran the rocks and the sky and the air between the cliffs turned a turbid green, like the color in a moss agate. When they reached the blanketed rock room, they looked at each other and laughed. Their faces had taken on a greenish pallor. Thea's hair, even, was green.

"You're too good to me, Ray. You're a lot too good to me," she faltered. "Why, kid," he murmured, "everybody in this world's going to be good to you!" Dr. Archie came to the gulch and stood over his patient. "How's it going?" "Can't you give me another punch with your pacifier, doc? The little girl had better run along now." Ray released Thea's hand. "See you later, Thee."

But Maggie talked a good deal about you to people this winter; always asked what word we'd had, and said how she missed your singing and all. I guess you ought to do that much for her." "All right, mother, if you think so." Thea lay looking at her mother with intensely bright eyes. "That's right, daughter." Mrs. Kronborg rose and went over to get the tray, stopping to put her hand on Thea's chest.

Harsanyi's on the Wilhelm der Grosse; gets in on Thursday." "Harsanyi?" Thea's eye lighted. "I haven't seen him for years. We always miss each other." She paused, hesitating. "Yes, I should like that. But he'll be busy, maybe?" "He gives his first concert at Carnegie Hall, week after next. Better send him a box if you can." "Yes, I'll manage it." Thea took his hand again.

But his life was insured for six hundred dollars in Thea's favor." Mr. Kronborg wound his feet about the standard of his desk-chair. "I assure you, doctor, this is a complete surprise to me." "Well, it's not very surprising to me," Dr. Archie went on. "He talked to me about it the day he was hurt. He said he wanted the money to be used in a particular way, and in no other." Dr.

To a Desmond, the mere suggestion of the Punjab turning traitor was as if one impugned the courage of his father or the honour of his mother; so curiously personal is India's hold upon the hearts of Englishmen who come under her spell. So Lance listened intently, if a little anxiously, to all that Thea's 'mixed biscuits' had to say on that absorbing subject.