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He was, moreover, an undergraduate of Oxford University and his English was perfect. "Hard luck, sir," said Blackie, and the baron smiled. "Fortunes of war. Where's Tam?" he asked. "Tam's up-stairs somewhere," said Blackie. He looked up at the unflecked blue of the sky, shading his eyes. "He's been gone two hours." The baron nodded and smiled again. "Then it was Tam!" he said.

I doubted if it was much pleasure to Tam-o-Shanter; but forgetting he was sober by compulsion, even he had begun to feel virtuous; and when he heard he had been called a "sober, decent little man," he positively swaggered; and on the fourth morning walked jauntily past the Cottage and ventured a quiet good-morning a simple enough little incident in itself; but it proved Tam's kinship with his fellowmen.

Archies blazed and banged at him, leaving a trail of puff balls to mark his course; an enemy scout came out of the clouds to engage him and was avoided, for the corps made it a point of honor not to fight when engaged on such a mission as was Tam's.

He rose and lookit at the twa o' them, and Tam's knees knoitered thegether at the look of him. But whan he spak, it was mair in sorrow than in anger. "Poor thing, poor thing!" says he, and it was the lass he lookit at, "I hear you skirl and laugh," he says, "but the Lord has a deid shot prepared for you, and at that surprising judgment ye shall skirl but the ae time!"

Just the ae keek it gied, and back to the rope. But now it wroucht and warstl't like a thing dementit. There never was the solan made that wroucht as that solan wroucht; and it seemed to understand its employ brawly, birzing the saft rope between the neb of it and a crunkled jag o' stane. There gaed a cauld stend o' fear into Tam's heart. "This thing is nae bird," thinks he.

How he must have hated women as he lurked in the doubtful ambush of that corner. "HOW he did skoot!" the Wag chuckled later on when recounting with glee, to the Maluka and Mac, the story of Tam's dash for cover. Pitying Tam, I took his part, and said he seemed a sober, decent little man and couldn't help being shy; then paused, wondering at the queer expression on the men's faces.

"A'll take two or three as curiosities A'd like to show the officers the kind o' poison the lower classes smoke " "Here! Leave me a couple!" said the alarmed non-commissioned officer as Tam's skilful fingers half emptied the box. "Be silent!" said Tam, "ye're interruptin' ma train o' thochts what did A' say last?" "You said nothing yet," replied the corporal, rescuing his depleted store.

Lovejoy was hooked at last, now that he had lost his head in such an unaccountable fashion as to pay his court in public; and it was very generally known that he was to make one of the Honorable Alva's immediate party at the performance of "Uncle Tam's Cabin." Mr. Speaker Sutton, of course, would have to forego the pleasure of the theatre as a penalty of his high position. Mr.

An officer standing by the window with his hands thrust into his pockets called over his shoulder: "Here comes Tam." The thunder and splutter of the scout's engine came to them faintly as Tam's swift little machine came skimming across the broad ground of the aerodrome and in a few minutes Tam was walking slowly toward the office, stripping his gloves as he went. Blackie went out to him.

Tam followed in a dizzy drop. Three thousand feet from earth the bombing machine turned a complete somersault and Tam's heart leaped into his mouth. He banked over to follow the pursuing German and in the brief space of time which intervened before his enemy could adjust his direction to cover pilot and gunner, Tam had both in line.