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If I was goin' to describe the animule, I'd say it looked like well, it looked like blamed if I know what it looked like, snorting fire and brimstone out of his nostrils, and puffin' out black smoke all 'round, and pantin', and heavin', and swellin', and chawin' up red-hot coals like they was good.

You know poor little Eph's dyin' of that white swellin'. You wouldn't have me refuse his mother anything we've got, would you?" Jane Miller walked back to the house with tears in her eyes, but her homely sallow face was transfigured by love as she went about her work, thinking to herself, "There never was such a man's Reuben, anyhow.

"But your head's bigger'n a bushel, Si," remonstrated the Sergeant. "Better let the doctor see it." "I don't want none of his bluemass or quinine," persisted Si. "That's all he ever gives for anything. The swellin' 'll come out o' my head in time, same as it does out o' other people's." "Corporal, I'll excuse you from duty to-day," said the Captain kindly.

Den I shif's roun' an' ac' pris'ner's 'torney, an' preach grace tell I gits 'im shoutin' des de same as ole marster use ter do clair a man whe'r or no, guilty or no guilty, step by step, nuver stop tell he'd have de last juryman blowin' 'is nose an' snifflin' an' he'd do it wid swellin' dic'sh'nary words, too! "Dat's de way I works it fus' argify fur de State, den plead fur de pris'ner.

Arkansas. You don't give a man no chance. I was only goin' to say that Pennsylvania was goin' to have an election next week that was all that was everything I was goin' to say I wish I may never stir if it wasn't." "Well then why d'n't you say it? What did you come swellin' around that way for, and tryin' to raise trouble?" "Why I didn't come swellin' around, Mr. Arkansas I just "

No good ever come o' bein' too straight, as I often says to Mar. You're only askin' for trouble same as the Psalmist says. And now you got to pay for it." "Well, they're all satisfied now," laughed Silver. "And so am I." "I should think they was," snorted Mat Woodburn. "I see 'em settin' round, swellin' and swellin', and rubbin' their fat paunches. Think they'll keep a nag among the lot of 'em!

We often have such, and they ain't all empty talk, nuther; some of 'em are surprisingly bright, and all mean so well I don't never reluct to hear 'em. They must blow off their steam somewheres, else they'd bust with the big idees a swellin' in 'em; Mr. Power knows it and gives 'em the chance they can't find nowheres else. 'Pears to me," added Mrs.

He had had all he could do to keep his feet and his basket while crossing the marsh on his way back to the station. Then he added: "There's a lot o' people there yit. That feller from Philadelphy who's mashed on Cobden's aunt was swellin' around in a potato-bug suit o' clothes as big as life."

His fever's way up and he's out of his head most of the time." "He seems to think his arm ain't had the care it should," Treu's voice was troubled "that the wound ain't clean and it's swellin' bad." Lamb laughed. "His hallucination; he's way off at times. Everything's been done for him. We like the boy and he's havin' the best of care.

"To the divil wid you, at all events," he replied; "if you're not off out o' that to get me somethin' for this swellin' I'll make it worse for you." "Ay, ay, I'll go," looking at him with peculiar bitterness, "an wid the help of the same Providence that you laugh at, I'll take care that the same roof won't cover the three of us long.