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His heart beat for joy, for he had found a good, honest, human hand. 'I suppose that is why he is ill, he said to himself. It was now close upon suppertime, and when the girl stopped at the door of the king's chamber, he told her to go and give the servants one warning more. 'Say the messenger sent you, he said. 'I will be with you very soon. The king was still asleep.

There he goes, slouching up the playground into the house, and he will skulk upstairs to his study and slam the door, and that's all we shall see of Tom till suppertime. Once, I remember, young Jim Friendly, a new boy, tried hard to coax Tom back into good humour. They had been having a match at something, I forget what, and Jim happened to say that something Tom did was against the rules.

"Rest assured of that, Signor Lockwude. Rest assured of that." "Well, get around here about nine." "It is understood, signor." Lockwood, who had a passable knowledge of telegraphy, had wired to the Hill for the doctor. About suppertime one appeared, and Lockwood bore the pain of the setting with such fortitude as he could command. He had his supper served in the office.

"I've been here this last hour, hain't I, Nance?" he said to the woman who meditatively sipped her ale near him. "Faith, that you have. I came in for my quiet suppertime half-pint, and you were here then, as well as all the rest." The other constable was facing the clock-case, where he saw reflected in the glass a quick motion by the landlady. Turning sharply, he caught her closing the oven-door.

And put on your nice brown and white shirt. Why did you come home so late? Would you mind hurrying? Here it is almost suppertime, and those fiends are just as likely as not to come at seven instead of eight. PLEASE hurry!" She was as unreasonable as an amateur leading woman on a first night, and he was reduced to humility. When she came down to supper, when she stood in the doorway, he gasped.

He watched him attentively, and gathering from his scrutiny that here was a dangerous, subtle man, different, indeed, to his dull-witted brother, he had determined to act at once. And so when he appeared in the hall at suppertime, he came armed and booted, and equipped as for a journey.

And Hylas of the yellow hair, with a vessel of bronze in his hand, went to draw water against suppertime, for Heracles himself, and the steadfast Telamon, for these comrades twain supped ever at one table.

At suppertime, when Dave Cowan came, he was wetting the shorn sward with spray from a hose. "Back?" said Dave, peering as at a bit of the far cosmos flung in his way. "Back," said his son. They shook hands. "You haven't changed any," said Wilbur, scanning Dave's placid face under the straw hat and following the lines of his spare figure down to the vestiges of a once noble pair of shoes.

The fact that the bridge was a matter of ten miles or more away did not give him cause for worry. He could easily make it in an hour or less, and be back long before suppertime. As he passed the school building he waved his hand to old Soggy, the janitor and custodian, who was busily engaged with his daily duties.

Now it was not early morning, but the very middle of the day, when he spoke this; therefore Katharine ventured to say, though modestly, being almost overcome by the vehemence of his manner: "I dare assure you, sir, it is two o'clock, and will be suppertime before we get there."