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The milk that she drew quivered into the pail; her hand had not calmed even yet, and still retained the feel of the arm. She came home to breakfast as wearily as if it had been suppertime. 'What was that noise in your chimmer, mother, last night? said her son. 'You fell off the bed, surely? 'Did you hear anything fall? At what time? 'Just when the clock struck two.

I'll be bound you are hungry. What will you take? Have a cup of tea, now, John; it will be four hours before suppertime, you know." "Very well, mother. I haven't had my tea today, and I am a bit hungry." "Poor lad! You shall have your tea and a mouthful in a few minutes." "I'll go to my room, mother, and wash my face and hands.

Their long excursions were, however, generally deferred until after dinner, as they were then free until suppertime and even if they did not return after that hour Mrs. Vickars did not chide them unduly, being an easygoing woman, and always ready to make excuses for them.

When suppertime approached, Curdie took his place at the door into the servants' hall; but after a long hour's vain watch, he began to fear he should get nothing: there was so much idling about, as well as coming and going. It was hard to bear chiefly from the attractions of a splendid loaf, just fresh out of the oven, which he longed to secure for the king and princess.

The righteous widow glared, banged into the house, came out poking at her bonnet, marched away. By this time Carol was staring in a manner not visibly to be distinguished from the window-peeping of the rest of Gopher Prairie. She saw Mrs. Bogart enter the Howland house, then the Casses'. Not till suppertime did she reach the Kennicotts.

"Yes. Not as a sister any longer, Melisse, but as a WOMAN!" Gravois did not stay to see the effect of his last words. Only he knew, as he went through the door, that her eyes were following him, and that if he looked at her she would call him back. So he shut the door quickly behind him, fearing that he had already said too much. Cummins and Jan came in together at suppertime.

A scouting expedition was planned for the evening, the "official scouts" of the Fire Katherine and Hazel being delegated to this work. Katherine proposed that two others be selected to assist them, and Miss Ladd suggested that they choose their assistants themselves. "We'll think it over and pick them before suppertime," said Katherine after conferring with Hazel.

Janet complimented me upon having attained wisdom. 'Now we get on well, she said. 'Grandada only wants to see us friendly, and feel that I am not neglected. The old man, a martyr to what he considered due to his favourite, endured the horror of the Ball until suppertime, and kept his eyes on us two.

They worked at the rope-tarring till suppertime, then rose wearily, stretching, and went for their salt-horse and biscuit. When the coarse rations were eaten, it was nearly sunset. Jeremy watched the sluggish water glide by below the canted rail, till at last small quivering blurs of light, the reflections of stars, began to gleam in the ripples.

He sat down to rest and think beside the box and the hand-bag, and stayed there, bowed over, his spectacles in his hands, his eyes roving thoughtfully, until the sun was so low that the little cañon was in gloom. At suppertime he announced his discovery to the big brothers and their mother. They received the news with amazement.