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Letts responded, but without briskness, and, with such moral support as an arm of each could afford, walked slowly back. Arrived at a road of substantial cottages at the back of the town, Mrs. Green gasped, and, coming to a standstill, nodded at a van that stood half-way up the road. "There it is," she exclaimed. "What?" demanded Mr. Letts. "The furniture I told you about," said Mrs. Green.

Those two statesmen jumped to their feet. "Come, Stevens, let him do what he will. We cannot stay here to be insulted by the ravings of a madman," cried the Pennsylvanian. But he brought his associate to a standstill midway to the door. "By the way, Langdon, what is it you are going to do in the Senate this afternoon?" he asked, "You said you were going to make us honest against our will.

I hastened home and out to the ranch, gathered our saddle stock, outfitted wagons, and engaged all my old foremen and twenty trusty men, and we started with a remuda of five hundred horses to begin the operations of the coming summer. Receiving cattle with me was an old story by this time, and frequently matters came to a standstill between the sellers and ourselves.

Norway says that "just at first one sees nothing of the town, but all at once it bursts upon the sight as the road runs round a bend, a striking huddled group of houses, cast so strangely into a heap as to produce the impression that they must have been built originally upon the hillside at comfortable distances apart; and that by some slipping of the rock foundations the houses have slid and slid until they can slide no further, but are brought to a standstill in the very bottom of the hollow.

"Oh, don't talk like a parrot," cried Billie. "It reminds me of Bream." "But will you?" "Yes," said Billie. Sam brought the car to a standstill with a jerk, probably very bad for the tyres. "Did you say 'yes'?" "Yes!" "Darling!" said Sam, leaning towards her. "Oh, curse this helmet!" "Why?" "Well, I rather wanted to kiss you and it hampers me." "Let me try and get it off. Bend down!"

Without a bit of trouble Blaine's triplane glided upward after a short slide over the rough level of No-Man's-Land, and he was off. Buck attempted to follow but the machine skidded sideways, struck a slope and after a mute struggle with adverse conditions came to a standstill.

She had come to a standstill close in front of him, and her black eyes had blazed. "What would you say if I ran away from him? Away, anywhere, over the fields, only away." The passion with which she had uttered those words had terrified him. Away, away over the fields, but where would she go? "That's for you to tell me."

The hard shut mouth was so big that it could easily swallow a child's head and his eyes! Ditte shut her own, and shivered. She quickly opened them, however; she must find out what his business was, taking care not to be seen herself. The ogre, as the children called him, mainly because of his big mouth, came to a standstill at Rasmus Olsen's house.

Just as the pair, laughing and panting, slowed down into their ordinary pace, a runabout, driven by a smiling young man in a heavy ulster and cap, turned the corner with a rush. Amid a cloud of steam the motor came to a standstill. "Aha! Caught you at it!" cried Doctor Churchill. "Came down that hill faster than the law allows.

Soon afterwards the launch came gradually to a standstill, and the captain explained to Mr. Flushing that it would be pleasant for the passengers if they now went for a stroll on shore; if they chose to return within an hour, he would take them on to the village; if they chose to walk it was only a mile or two farther on he would meet them at the landing-place.