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FOUR ENTREMETS. Orange fritters; Tapioca pudding; Wine jelly; Potatoes a la Lyonnaise. TWO REMOVES. Roast fore-quarter of lamb; Spring chickens A la Montmorency. FOUR ENTREES. Fillets of ducklings, with green peas; Mutton cutlets a la Wyndham; Blanquette of chicken with cucumbers; Timbale of macaroni a la Milanaise. SECOND COURSE. Pigeons; Leveret. TWO REMOVES. Flemish gauffers; Iced Souffle.

This soufflé can be made of any kind of cold bird or fish. The four eggs are given for medium-sized partridges. Salmis of Snipe. Clean and roast lightly six snipe, saving the trail.

Napoleon Buonaparte etait avide de renommee et de gloire; Arthur Wellesley ne se soucie ni de l'une ni de l'autre; l'opinion publique, la popularite, etaient choses de grand valeur aux yeux de Napoleon; pour Wellington l'opinion publique est une rumeur, un rien que le souffle de son inflexible volonte fait disparaitre comme une bulle de savon.

Berenice's 'souffle au fromage' is something delicious! Let Monsieur le Superieur come in." M. Violette took his departure, displeased at his useless visit and irritated against Uncle Isidore, who had been hardly civil. "That man is a perfect egotist," thought he, sadly; "and that girl has him in her clutches. My poor Amedee will have nothing from him."

which I have somewhere seen thus rendered into French: "Souffle, souffle, vent d'hiver! Tu n'es pas si cruel Que l'ingratitude de l'homme. Ta dent n'est pas si penetrante," etc., etc. Why are we inclined to laugh as we read this? Because it excites in us an undercurrent of consciousness which, if put into words, might run something like this: "Insufflate, insufflate, wind hibernal!

Instinctively she sensed when taffeta was to be superseded by foulard. The contents of her scented bureau drawers needed only a dab of whipped cream on top to look as if they might have been eaten as something soufflé. "How do I look in it, Hugo? Do you like it?" was a question that rose daily to her lips. A new hat, or frock, or collar, or negligée. Not that she was unduly extravagant.

I like potatoes all styles and every style, French fried, lyonnaise, O'Brien, shoestring shape, pants-button design, hashed brown, creamed, mashed, stewed, soufflé if only I knew who blew 'em up and most of all, baked au naturel in the union suit. And I miss them and shall keep on missing them.

I didn't want to dish up until you were at the table, so's everything would be hot." She threw a laughing glance at Pinky. But when they were seated, there appeared a platter of cold, thinly sliced ham for Pinky, and a crisp salad, and a featherweight cheese soufflé, and iced tea, and a dessert coolly capped with whipped cream. "But, mother, you shouldn't have " feebly.

It gave the modest meal a delightfully homey air, their isolation and the bright coal fire. For the first time they learned the joys of mussels boiled in milk, of French soufflé and other things. At the end of the evening he took her back to her cheap hotel in a taxicab. She expected him to kiss her. Her experience of taxicabs had been like that. But he did not.

Pound until the whole can be forced through a strainer, then add the beaten yolks of four eggs, and last of all the whites of two beaten till they will not slip from the dish; stir them very lightly into the mixture. Pour it into a silver soufflé case, or into a number of the small china cases. Bake till it rises, and then serve immediately with a tureen of rich brown sauce.