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In that moment Bessie got in line with the ticket window and, seeing Dolly, waved to her to come out. Then she walked over to Jake, smiled at his amazed face as he turned to her, and saluted him cheerfully. "Hello, Jake Hoover," she said. "Were you looking for me?" Jake's face fell, and he stared at her in comical dismay. "Well, I snum!" he said.

Even chummin' won't sarve ye. Good-night!" After getting rid of this importunate customer, Cap'n Abe closed his door and put out his store lights an hour earlier than usual and came back to sit down with Louise. His visage was red and determination sat on his brow. "I snum!" he emphatically observed. "Cardhaven folks seem bit with some kind o' bug. Talk 'bout curiosity! 'Hem!

Have you thought to get that dictionary from Lulie yet?" "Oh, now, ma'am, I snum if I didn't forget it. I'll go right over this minute." "No, you won't. I'll go myself after dinner." That Sunday dinner was a bountiful repast and Galusha ate more than he had eaten in three meals at his mountain hotel.

I hid the coat, and threw the bottle away, and turned him so he was facin' towards the saloon 'stead of from it. And I lied when I told the doctor that he was jest as he fell. There! the murder's out! Now, what do you think of me?" "Think? I think you did exactly right." "You DO?" "I sartinly do." "Well, I snum!

They ratified the preliminary agreement for a merger." "Well, I snum!" "That's right, go ahead and snum. I'd snum myself if I knew how it knocked me. Better come up-stairs and congratulate the happy couple." "Shoo, now! I certainly am mighty disappointed in that fellow. Still he is well spotted, and them freckles mean iron in the blood. Maybe we can develop him along with the other properties."

And then she cried hysterically and kissed us all. "What Virginia says," said I, "is all true especially the getting married right now, and your living with us. We'll both be awful sorry if we can't have you right off." "I snum!" exclaimed Grandma Thorndyke. "Just as I expected!"

Sho, sho! . . . Well, I'm awful sorry. I hope you'll forgive me. 'Twan't any way for a feller like me to talk to you." Captain Sam's big hand fell upon his friend's knee with a stinging slap. "You're wrong there, Jed," he declared, with emphasis. "'Twas just the way for you to talk to me. I needed it; and," with another chuckle, "I got it, too, didn't I? Ho, ho!" "Sam, I snum, I " "Sshh!

He turned, saw her, and stood petrified. Mary entered and closed the door behind her. By that time Mr. Chase had recovered sufficiently from his ossification to speak. "Eh eh by time!" he gasped. "I snum if it ain't you!" Mary nodded. "Isaiah," she asked quickly, "are you alone? Are my uncles, both of them, at the store?"

"'Expedition'? Is the word you can't make out 'Egyptian'?" "Hey?... 'Egyptian? Well, I snum, I guess 'tis! 'Egyptian. . . . Humph! I never thought of that. "Read me the whole of that telegram, Erastus. Read it." Mr. Beebe read it. "Deeply regret necessity of refusing your generous and flattering offer to lead Egyptian expedition. Do not feel equal to the work. Decision final. Will write.

"Jefers-pelters! I 'low if I had a boy o' m' own mebbe I'd be a lettle keerful how I used either licker, or terbaccer. But I hain't. I got only one child, an' she's a female. I reckon I ain't gotter worry about little Matildy bein' inflooenced either by her daddy's chawin', or his takin' a snifter of licker on a cold day I snum!" "Unanswerable logic, Walky," said Nelson, with some scorn.