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Lawlor, struggling still to re-establish himself in the eyes of Bard as the real William Drew, seized the opportunity to exert a show of authority. He smashed his big fist on the table. "Jansen!" he roared. "Eh?" grunted the Swede. "Where was you raised?" "Me?" "You, square-head." "Elvaruheimarstadhaven." "Are you sneezin' or talkin' English?" Jansen, irritated, bellowed: "Elvaruheimarstadhaven!

It was awful; like like " she paused, evidently in search of a simile; "like sneezin' backwards," she added. "It was terrible." Isaiah laughed. "I should think 'twould be," he declared. "Sneezin' backwards! Ho, ho! That's a good one!" Mary-'Gusta's eyes were still fixed upon the apron. "Mr. I mean Cap'n Gould said you was the cook and steward," she observed.

"Ah, it was on just such a night that, my dear old father and mother were burnt out of house and home," said the blacksmith; "well do I mind about it, for I was over ten years old at the time. We never found out what it was that set the house alight, but when it had once caught, it fetched way like lightning the wind was so high. The first thing that woke me was sneezin' wi' the smoke.

Morel had a warm way of telling a story. He made one feel Taffy's cunning. "He's a brown 'un," he would answer, "an' not very high. Well, he comes i' th' stall wi' a rattle, an' then yo' 'ear 'im sneeze. "'Ello, Taff, you say, 'what art sneezin' for? Bin ta'ein' some snuff? "An' 'e sneezes again. Then he slives up an' shoves 'is 'ead on yer, that cadin'. "'What's want, Taff? yo' say."

It warn't just a roarin', racin', sneezin' rain like a thunder shower, but it kept a steady travellin' gait, up hill and down dale, and no breathin' time nor batin' spell. It didn't look as if it would stop till it was done, that's a fact. But still as it was too late to go out agin that arternoon, I didn't think much about it then.

Oh, God is good to you! to put you in mind of your duty, giving you such bitther cowlds that you are coughing and sneezin' every Sunday to that degree that you can't hear the blessed mass for a comfort and a benefit to you; and so you'll go on sneezin' until you put a good thatch on the place, and prevent the appearance of the evidence from Heaven against you every Sunday, which is condemning you before your faces, and behind your backs too, for don't I see this minit a strame o' wather that might turn a mill running down Micky Mackavoy's back, between the collar of his coat and his shirt?"

It warn't just a roarin', racin', sneezin' rain like a thunder shower, but it kept a steady travellin' gait, up hill and down dale, and no breathin' time nor batin' spell. It didn't look as if it would stop till it was done, that's a fact. But still as it was too late to go out agin that arternoon, I didn't think much about it then.

Lord, if they had only a given her a pinch of snuff, when she was full dressed and trussed, and sot her a sneezin', she'd a blowed up, and the fortin would have come twenty years sooner. "Yes, it's a family pictur, indeed, they are all family picture. They are all fine animals, but over fed and under worked. "Now it's up and take a turn in the gardens. There is some splendid flowers on that slope.

De rest iss coffin' an' sneezin' to plow dere peaks off, an' all de utter caitches iss kitchen him." Now, I was no specialist in the peculiar diseases of parrots, but something had to be done, and, with a boldness born of long practice, I drew my bow at a venture and let fly this suggestion:

Besides, Hadds was foamin' so it was all I could do to keep him from goin' over and kickin' the Major, who still was oblivious to surroundings, and enwrapped in the gentle art of sneezin'. Then there come a fearful bump from outside. I knew by that a showcase was no more. "'Zeke! yells Hadds, 'think of somethin' before that woman has us all in.