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The thought in his mind was, "I don't mind being killed; but I thought he might tear off my coat, and show them my money." From this moment he kept his hand in such position that he might feel the packages in his pockets. Sleeny was still panting and screaming execrations at Offitt. The justice turned to him with sternness, and said, "Silence there!

She did not feel at all so sure as she pretended that there was no danger of the result that Sleeny had predicted; and now that she was brought face to face with it, she was confounded at discovering how much it meant to her. She was carrying a dream in her heart which would make or ruin her, according as it should prove true or false.

But Budsey at that moment announced luncheon, and they yielded to Farnham's eager importunity, and remained to share his repast. They went to the dining-room, leaving Sleeny more than content.

The chances were ten to one that any one risking the leap would be dashed to pieces on the pavement below. But Sleeny could not get that pipe out of his head. "I might as well take my chance" he said to himself. "It would be no worse to die that way than to be hanged." He grew afraid to trust himself in sight of the window and the pipe: it exercised so strong a fascination upon him.

He went without a moment's delay to the chief of police and told him that he had a disagreeable duty to perform; that he knew the murderer of Captain Farnham; that the criminal was an intimate friend of his, a young man hitherto of good character named Sleeny. "Ah-ha!" said the chief. "That was the fellow that Captain Farnham knocked down and arrested in the riot." "The same," said Offitt.

This ain't leap year!" "What of that?" she answered, hastily. "I don't see why a girl hasn't as good a right to speak her mind as a man." "Why, Mattie," said Sam, with slow surprise, "no decent girl would do that." They had come to Matchin's gate. She slipped in, then turned and said: "Well, don't be frightened, Mr. Sleeny; I'm not going to propose to you," and she was gone from his sight.

She then walked tempestuously past the astonished lady out into the garden and brushed roughly by Sleeny, who tried to detain her. "Hold your tongue, Sam! I hate you and all men"; and with this general denunciation, she passed out of the place, flaming with rage and shame. Mrs. Belding stood for a moment speechless, and then resorted to the use of that hard-worked and useful monosyllable,

Farnham was there also; he had come down to inspect the job, and he and Sleeny were chatting near the gate as Maud opened it and came in. Farnham stepped forward to meet her. The unexpected rencounter made her shy, and she neither spoke to Sam nor looked toward him, which filled him with a dull jealousy. "Could I have a few moments' conversation with you, sir?" she asked, with stiff formality.

When he returned to the shop Sleeny was there, sitting on a bench and chewing pine shavings. "What did she say?" asked the young fellow. "But never mind I see plain enough it's no use. She's too good for me, and she knows it." "Too good!" roared Saul. "She's the golderndest " "Hold on there," said Sleeny. "Don't say nothin' you'll have to take back.

He then called the policeman who arrived first at Farnham's house the night before. He told his story and identified the hammer which had been shown to Offitt. A young man from Ware & Harden's swore that he had sold the hammer the day before to Sleeny, whom he knew. The justice held this evidence sufficient to justify Sleeny's detention. "I should think so," said some of the by-standers.