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Perhaps I might say good-night to you both?" "Good-night, dear," answered Sir Lionel. I had never heard him call her that before. "Say good-night to Mrs. Senter for me," went on Emily to us both. "Yes," said Sir Lionel. But I don't think he had heard. Mrs. Norton swished silkily out. The door shut. I braced myself, and looked up at him. His eyes were on my face, and they were full of light.

I'll reciprocate to the best of my poor ability," he remarked silkily, and his mouth set in the unpleasant Stukeley grimness, while a little muscular pulse beat beneath his cheek-bone. "A dozen of the very best, if you please, Sergeant," he added, turning to Sergeant Havlan. "Coat off, Sir," remarked that worthy, nothing loath, to the boy who could touch him almost as he would with the foil.

She rose, rejecting in every line of her erect figure his impudent geniality, his insolent pretense of friendliness. "My brother is in the hotel. If he learns you are here there will be trouble." A wicked malice lay in his smiling eyes. "Trouble for him or for me?" he inquired silkily. His lash flicked her on the raw. Hal Yarnell was a boy of nineteen.

We heard Vincent silkily sympathetic. Would they, he asked, repeat their assertions in public before a vast public? Only let Vincent give them a chance, and the Planet, they vowed, should ring with their wrongs. Their aim in life two women and a man explained it together was to reform the world. Oddly enough, this also had been Vincent's life-dream.

In ten minutes the permanent staff had largely re-sorted it and, to a great extent, re-formed the original companies. Captain José offered his subaltern, Lieutenant Bylegharicontractor, a hundred rupees to change places with him. Offer refused, with genuine and deep regret, but firmly. "Shall we have another try, Colonel," inquired General Murger silkily.

What would be a fair price for it?" "Five thousand." "We'll put it this way, then," said Langford, briskly and silkily.

At the same time the exquisite clarity of the Northern summer air, the delicate mantling blue overhead, and the liquid sunshine on the foliage all began to tempt her sorely. Across the road a field of squirrel-tail, dimpling silkily in the breeze, stretched to the river bank, and she saw she could cross it without passing any house.

He brought me the news, and at once escorted me here to fetch you." "And to restore one sister to another," said the priest silkily, as he advanced a step. He was the very same priest whom I had seen two hours before with Bezers, and had so greatly disliked! I hated his pale face as much now as I had then.

"He paid no attention to it." "Not Montague," Dunham corrected silkily. "Holliday." And instantly Perry knew what Dunham hoped to do. "Why not Montague?" he asked. "Why not Holliday?" countered Dunham, his voice silkier still. And Perry couldn't very well say because Montague was a boxer first and a fighter afterward.

His hair, rising from the parting to the right of his forehead, in what his admiring Lady Blandish called his plume, fell away slanting silkily to the temples across the nearly imperceptible upward curve of his brows there felt more than seen, so slight it was and gave to his profile a bold beauty, to which his bashful, breathless air was a flattering charm.