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"Frank, tear one of those blankets into strips. We've got to tie their hands and feet and gag them. Shuck your coat, Threewit. You've got to wear this fellow's blouse and sombrero. You, too, Frank. It's Manuel's castaways for you. Move lively, boys. This is surely going to be our busy evening." "What's the programme?" asked Farrar, doing what he was told to do. Steve explained briefly.

To justify her course in conferring this name instead of one selected from her numerous friends in America, she relates numberless instances of kindness on the part of the family alluded to; instances of kindness without which the missionary family would have been put to considerable inconvenience and perhaps acute suffering. In 1842 Mr. Shuck removed to Hong Kong.

I hed an idee I'd ask him to shuck off some of it onter me. I could stan' the strain all right, an' get plenty o' sleep too." "Ye won't hev no call to stan' it, Peggy," pre-dcted Lon Tait. "Milyunhairs may spend money foolish, but they don't never give none away. I've done sev'ral odd jobs fer Mr. Merrick, but he's never give me more'n jest wages."

Lawsy me, chile, when de Preacher-mans baptiz me he had duck me under de wateh twell I mos dron, de debbil he got such a holt on me an jes wont let go, but de Preacher-mans he kep a duckin me an he finaly shuck de debbil loose an he aint bother me much sence, dat is not very much, an dat am a long time ago.

The silence that followed the words of the boy was broken by Quantrell's old grayback. Dave Roush was a bad man a killer. He had three notches on his gun. Perhaps he had killed others before coming West. At any rate, he was no fair match for this undersized boy. "He's a kid, Dave. You don't want to gun a kid. You, Clanton whatever you call yourself light a shuck pronto git out!"

I'm wastin' time. The sheriff yelled out an' told the photographer it was agin 'im, but he look scared wuss 'n ever an' shuck his head, an' that ended it. Alf wasn't in as big a hurry to git away as he had let on, neither. He set a couple o' niggers to work stackin' up the planks in neat piles an' rollin' up the tent.

De squinch-owl done hush, en de win' done gone, en it look like de water done stop sneakin' en crawlin' und' de bank. "I riz up, I did, en shuck de stift'nes out'n my bones, en I look 'way 'cross de river ter de top er de hill whar de road lead. I look en I say, sez I "'Maybe you leads ter freedom, but, bless God! I gwine back.

"But go on, Rose, tell me what they did do?" she went on, for she saw that Rose felt very sad. "Well, they wanted to shuck some corn," went on the little girl, "but they didn't durst do it. Then Russ saw me have my messenger girl doll, with the yellow shoe buttons down her back and front, and he said she looked just like an ear of corn." "That wasn't very nice of him," put in Mrs. Bunker.

"'Well, said he, lookin' like he look when he send for you in de little room, 'I'll settle wid ye after dinner. "Well, dar I was shiverin' an' shakin' in my shoes, an' droppin' gravy an' spillin' de wine on de table-cloth, I was dat shuck up; an' when de dinner was ober he calls all de ladies an' gemmen, an' says, 'Now come down to de duck pond.

I didn't think that any man could travel so close to Sherman and keep 'em." "They're unfortunate ways, sir," I said, "if they lead you to misjudge me." He laid his hand on my shoulder, just as he had done at Freeport. "I know you, Steve," he said. "I shuck an ear of corn before I buy it.