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I could get us through quicker'n you can, yourself. I ain't no green kid!" Drew slapped the blanket down on Shawnee's back, smoothed it flat with a palm stroke, and jerked his saddle from the platform. He could not stay right here now that Boyd had smoked him out maybe nowhere in the neighborhood with this excitable boy dogging him. The scout was driven to his second line of defense.

In an instant the fourth mate was running aloft, but before he had ascended to the fore-top the lookout cried: "I can see the other three boats now, sir, and they are all 'fast, too." A cheer broke from the Shawnee's hands, and, disregarding for the time all discipline, they sprang aloft one after another to gaze upon the thrilling scene.

Sam Croxton strode back from filling his canteen at a farmyard well and scowled at Drew, who had dismounted and loosened cinch to cool Shawnee's back. "Cynthiana, now. I'm beginnin' to wonder, Rennie, if we know just which way we are goin'." Drew shrugged. "Might be a warm reception waitin' us there.

Where's he taking you?" "To the Delaware town." "I don't suppose the chiefs will let any harm befall you; but Kate and I would be better off dead. If we can only delay the march, Wetzel will surely return." "Hush! Girty's up." The renegade staggered to an upright position, and leaned on the Shawnee's arm. Evidently he had not been seriously injured, only stunned.

"He's the best reddy on the border, an' has saved me scores of times. This fellar Zane belongs to him, an' while I'd much rather see the scout knifed right here an' now, I won't do nothin' to interfere with the Shawnee's plans." "Why does the redskin want to take him away to his village?" Brandt growled. "All Injun vanity and pride." "It's Injun ways, an' we can't do nothin' to change 'em."

As it struck the bank the tree was rent asunder, and to the white Shawnee's astonishment Peleg scrambled to his feet from out of the wreckage. Before he could brush the dust from his eyes and bring Singing Susan to his shoulder Henry leaped forward and placed both hands upon the barrel of the rifle, saying, "No shoot broder." "You are no brother of mine!" said Peleg.

Drew thought that Shawnee's end had put the last bit of steel over his feelings, but he had to agree with Boyd now: no one with any humanity could make the gelding carry so much as a blanket over that back, let alone saddle and rider. "Here!" Roughly, his face flushed, Boyd jerked on the reins of his own mount, bringing the bay sidling toward Drew. "You can take Bruce...."

If they didn't win Lexington to keep, at least all of the raiders were going to ride out well-mounted, with boots on their feet and whole clothing on their backs. The Union quartermasters did just fine by Morgan's boys, as always. Shawnee's ears went forward alertly, but Drew did not need that signal of someone's approaching.

They rode on at a comfortable pace and for some reason met no other travelers on the pike. Drew found his new mount had no easy shuffle like Shawnee's. The gelding was a black with three white feet and a proudly held head might even be Denmark stock but for some reason he didn't relish moving in company.

Drew, his thumb still planted in the hole which was becoming Shawnee's death, nodded to the guard. They made it, and Drew kneed the roan closer to the extra horse Boyd led, slinging his saddlebags across to the other mount. Then he dismounted, releasing his hold on the roan's wound.