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The whistle of the speaking-tube blew. Sir Mallaby put the instrument to his ear. "All right," he turned to Sam. "I shall have to send you away now, Sam. Man waiting to see me. Good-bye. By the way, are you doing anything to-night?" "No." "Not got a wrestling match on with yourself, or anything like that? Well, come to dinner at the house. Seven-thirty. Don't be late." Sam went out.

"That the paper is roughened a little, and the ink has run." "Yes, and vot else? Look at it a bit closer, sir." "Why," said Barnabas staring hard at the spot, "it looks as though something had been scratched out!" "And so it has, sir. If you go there at seven-thirty, it von't be a fair lady as'll be vaiting to meet you. The time's been altered o' course jest as I 'oped and expected."

Some people dressed a little more than usual for the last dinner which was earlier than usual, so as to be out of the way against the arrival which had been variously predicted at from five to seven-thirty.

If always according to your notion of the convention if I don't get out, and haven't any chance, they tell me on pretty good authority Austen Vane will get the nomination." Hilary Vane walked to the door, opened it and went out, and slammed it behind him. It is morning, a hot morning, as so many recall, and the partisans of the three leaders are early astir, and at seven-thirty Mr.

Going to bed at seven-thirty or thereabouts was not the custom of the Happy Family, but they stayed under the covers and smoked and discussed the situation. They dared not have a light, and the night was longer than they had ever known a night to be, for it was late before they slept.

"I'm going to send you to the penitentiary for a thousand years," he promised. Seven-thirty the next morning found Johnny Gamble listening, in awed curiosity, to an insistent telephone bell. Gradually it dawned on him that he must have left a call, and plodding into the bath-room he mechanically turned on the cold water, reflecting dully that this was a cruel world.

I heard one woman say in the store that she has to get ready for a lot of company still for every person she knows, most, comes to visit her that Sunday and she's got to cook and wash dishes all day. I guess she's glad it's over for another year." DAVID EBY had spent the day at Lancaster and returned to Greenwald at seven-thirty.

The seven-thirty table d'hôte at the great Schweitzerhof furnished a mighty array and variety of nationalities, but it offered a better opportunity to observe costumes than people, for the multitude sat at immensely long tables, and therefore the faces were mainly seen in perspective; but the breakfasts were served at small round tables, and then if one had the fortune to get a table in the midst of the assemblage he could have as many faces to study as he could desire.

Besides I was interested to know what Frank would talk about, and to know what happened to the B. And again it interested me to know what he was doing at present. So I hesitated. "Please do, decide affirmatively," he begged. "I feel sure you will not regret a good dinner." "Very well," I said, "at seven-thirty."

It is inconceivable that it was taken after eleven-thirty at night, since I understand that Mr. Hope and his wife were both in the room from that hour until the loss was found out. It was taken, then, yesterday evening between seven-thirty and eleven-thirty, probably near the earlier hour, since whoever took it evidently knew that it was there and would naturally secure it as early as possible.