United States or Angola ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I put the question and there was a chorus of fervent "Ja's" and "Gott sei Dank's." They were all glad to be out of it. No more fighting for them, Gott sei Dank! War was no good, at least not for the common soldier. "Ask him what he thinks of Hindenburg." A cheerful youngster from East Prussia answered: "Der's' nicht besser als wir He's no better than we are!" "Did you ever see him?"

Thus, in the first place, the system was abolished under which all uji having the title of omi were controlled by the o-omi, and all having the title of muraji by the o-muraji; and in the second, though the above eight sei were established, not every uji was necessarily granted a title.

"Hear the contemptible wisdom of my ill-formed mouth," said N'guk at length. "If we at once put forth our strength, the degraded Wun Sei is ground " "Sun Wei, All-knowing One," murmured an attending spirit beneath his breath.

An acquaintance would hardly have recognized her, her ruddy cheeks had grown so pale. But she trotted on to the great building on the corner from whence came a low, incessant buzz. She went into the first door and ran against Carl Olsen. "Carl, I got to see Mr. Lossing," said she breathlessly. "There ain't noding " "No, Gott sei dank', but I got to see him."

"What is the matter with the laird?" "Maitter? maitter wi' the laird? The laird's deid, laddie, and a gude freend was he to me and mine, and to your ain sei' forbye, and the hale kintra side will be at the buryin'," said the housekeeper, shaking her head solemnly. "An' if that were na enow for my poor mistress there's a waur thing to follow. The laird's fa'en by his ain brither's han's. Mr.

This is why Goethe, in the West-östliclien Divan, says that every man, whether he occupies a low position in life, or emerges as its victor, testifies to personality as the greatest factor in happiness: Volk und Knecht und Uberwinder Sie gestehen, zu jeder Zeit, Höchtes Glück der Erdenkinder Sei nur die Persönlichkeit.

However great thy crimes, thou cheatest the gallows. Oh, Edward, oh, Edward, thou model Prince! Da druben, da druben liegt der Feind, In feigen Schutzengraben, Wir greifen ihn an, und ein Hund, wer meint, Heut' wurde Pardon gegeben. Schlagt alles tot, was um Gnade fleht, Schiesst alles nieder wie Hunde, Mehr Feinde, mehr Feinde! sei euer Gebet In dieser Vergeltungsstunde.

When the plates from these historical paintings, engraved by AUDRAN, reached Rome, it is related that the Italians, astonished, exclaimed: "Povero Raffaello! non sei piu il primo." But, when they afterwards saw the originals, they restored, to RAPHAEL his former pre-eminence. N deg. 43. A Sea-piece on a fine morning. A Landscape enlivened by the setting sun.

They enjoyed various privileges, and among others, says an ancient MS. Chronicle quoted by Cancellieri, "havevano questi sei ogni anno, da Santo Spirito, due vacche in die S. Spiritus le quali se magnavano li con gran festa". In 1410 the Volto Santo was carried back to S. Peter's, where it has ever since remained .

The servitor raced in, mad and muttering, and banged down a big can of the much desired condiment. At last, Gott sei Dank! there was pepper by the wholesale. The salad proceeded on its troubled course. "You like our Germany yes?" was inserted. Kirtley assured the three that he had had a pleasant year. "Our Germany is a great country," explained the tall Teuton in a high, cracked voice.