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The return of the chart-nurse followed by a probationer carrying a laden tray provoked an exclamation from the little Irishman. "Signs on it, the boy's as empty as a drum. The devil a wonder he went off like he did a bit back. And you can't deny him, Saxham?"

What, then, was to be the Verdict of the Jury? Was Dr. Owen Saxham innocent or guilty? If innocent, then, in the name of God, let him go forth from bondage, to the unutterable relief of those who waited in anguish for the Verdict.

There was an American bar on the ground-floor of the Trafalgar. Saxham stood upon the threshold of the place, replying to the questions of a group of Colonial officers, New South Wales Mounted Engineers and Canadian Rangers, when somebody suggested Drinks, and led the way in.

For I who promised you I would never fail you; I who told you so confidently that I was cured of the accursed liquor-crave; I well, I reckoned without my host " His laugh jarred her heartstrings. She cried out hotly: "You did not deceive me wilfully! You believed what you said!" "I believed ... and the first snare set for me tripped up my heels," said Saxham. "I paid the penalty of being cocksure.

And now you know what you should have known before if I had not been a coward and a knave." She turned her eyes softly upon him, and they could not rest, it seemed to her, upon a man of braver and more lofty bearing. "I was the Town Drunkard," Saxham went on, in the cold, clear voice that cut like a knife to the intelligence.

But the brandy in the decanter.... How it beckoned and allured and tempted. And the throat and palate of the man were parched with the desire of it. And yet, a moment before, with the toils about his feet, Saxham had wondered at the thought of these degraded years of bondage. He shook his head sullenly as Taggart repeated his question, and went away to wash and get dressed.

Did Saxham wake behind them? Or did he sleep, not to wake again? Lynette tried her latchkey. The unchained door swung backwards. She passed into the house silently, a tall, slender shape. A light was shining under the consulting-room door. Her heart leaped to greet it. She kissed her hand to it, and turned, moving noiselessly, and put up the chain of the hall-door.

As to yourself, you will allow the inquiry.... Are you a surgeon as well as a medical practitioner?" "If I were not, I should not be here." "I will put my question differently. I trust you will not consider its repetition offensive. Have you an extensive experience in dealing with gunshot wounds?" Saxham said roughly: "I have experience to a certain extent. I will go no further than to say so.

It was the weak, muffled voice of the patient on the bed. Saxham wheeled sharply about, and the stern blue eyes and the great lustrous pleading brown ones, looked into each other. The pale Julius spoke again: "I entreat you, Doctor!" Saxham spoke in his curt way: "You are aware that there is risk?" Julius Fraithorn stretched out his transparent hands. "What risk can there be to a man in my state?

"The mercy and the grace of God," says the Chaplain, "manifested in His unworthy servant through your science and your skill." "You employ the technical terminology of your profession," Saxham answers, with a shrug. The blank stare and the congested redness have gone out of his eyes, and his voice is less dull and toneless.