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"I seed en cast forth a net, same as us does for macker'l, but 'twas sawls, not feesh, they dragged in the bwoat; but braave an' few of 'em. The devil's nets was the full wans, 'cause " At this moment Thomasin came in, saw a man by Mr. Tregenza, but did not realize who had returned until she struck a light.

'T is the contrast between the courageousness of the two poor sawls jumpin' into the state, an' the solid fact of bein' a man's wife or a woman's husband for all time. The vows they swear! An' that Martin's voice so strong an' cheerful! A teeming cause o' broken oaths the marriage sarvice; yet each new pair comes along like sheep to the slaughter." "You talk like a bachelor man," said Damaris.

Men go down to the graave every second o' the day an' night, but if you could see the sawls a streamin' away, thicker'n a cloud of starlings, you'd find a mass, black as a storm, went down long, an' awnly just a summer cloud like o' the blessed riz up. Hell's bigger'n Heaven; an' er's need to be, for Heaven's like to be a lonely plaace, when all's said.

An' I'll carry the brandy, for 't is a liquor, when all 's said, what 's saved more bodies in this world than it 's damned sawls in the next, an' a thing pleasant, tu, used with sense specially if a man can sleep 'fore 't is dead in un." "Hurry, hurry! Every minute may mean life or death. I'll call Bonus; you get the lanterns."

Billy gasped and gurgled, bid them see to the bandages, and reviewed his past life with ingenuous satisfaction. "Ah, sawls all! dead as a hammer in an hour. 'T is awver. I feel the life swelling out of me." "Don't say that, Billy," cried Martin, in real concern. "The blood's stopped flowing entirely now." "For why? Theer's no more to come.

He gripped Billy's hand till the old man jumped and wriggled. "Free! Gude God! Doan't tell me you've brawke loose doan't 'e say that! Christ! if you haven't squashed my hand till theer's no feeling in it! Doan't 'e say you've runned away?" "No such thing," answered Will, now the centre of a little crowd. "I'll tell 'e, sawls all, if you mind to hear.

He'd grumble in heaven, by the looks of un. An' yet it do shaw the patience of God wi' human sawls." "Ess, it do," answered Mr. Blee; "but patience ban't a virtue, pushed tu far. Justice is justice, as I've said more 'n wance to Miller an' Blanchard, tu, an' a man of my years can see wheer justice lies so clear as God can. For why? Because theer ban't room for two opinions.

Never say no sawl's lost while you give all power to the Maker o' sawls. Go in fear, I sez, else theer'll come a whirlwind o' God-sent sorrer to strike wheer your heart's desire be rooted. 'Tis allus so allus " Tom entered upon these words, and Uncle Chirgwin's eyes dropping upon him as he spoke, his utterance sounded like a prophecy.

Love childern do come as sweet an' innercent on to the airth as them born o' wedlock purty sawls. 'Tis the fashion to apprentice 'em to theer faithers mostly, an' they be a sort o' poor cousins o' the rightful fam'ly; but your lil wan well theer edn' gwaine to be any 'poor cousin' talk 'bout en if en do live. But I was talkin' o' the will."

His awn generation won't trouble him, an' he'll find a wise guardian in Martin, an' a lovin' gran'mother in me. Dry your eyes an' be a Blanchard. God A'mighty sends sawls in the world His awn way, an' chooses the faithers an' mothers for 'em; an' He's never taught Nature to go second to parson yet, worse luck.