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I, as in duty bound, started up to save the fair enthusiast the trouble, and was not sorry to observe my seat immediately occupied by a very cadaverous gentleman, who was evidently jealous of the progress I was rapidly making. Sawley, with an air of great mystery, informed me that this was a Mr.

You do not surely suppose that we are going to issue new shares and bring down the market, simply because you have realised at a handsome premium?" "A handsome premium! O Lord!" moaned Sawley. "Why, what did you get for them?" "Four, three, and two and a half." "A very considerable profit indeed," said I; "and you ought to be abundantly thankful.

Sawley," said I, "I may be blamed by worldly-minded persons for what I am going to do; but I am a man of principle, and feel deeply for the situation of your amiable wife and family. I bear no malice, though it is quite clear that you intended to make me the sufferer. Pay me fifteen thousand over the counter, and we cry quits for ever." "Won't you take the Camlachie Cemetery shares?

Sawley and his disciples, who, as M'Corkindale suspected, were at the bottom of the whole transaction, having beared to their heart's content, now came into the market to purchase, in order to redeem their engagements. The following extracts from the weekly share-lists will show the result of their endeavours to regain their lost position: Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Frid. Sat.

If you don't like my offer and it is an uncommonly liberal one say so, and I'll expose you this afternoon upon 'Change." "Well, then there's a cheque. But may the" "Stop, sir! Any such profane expressions, and I shall insist upon the original bargain. So, then now we're quits. I wish you a very good-morning, Mr Sawley, and better luck next time. Pray remember me to your amiable family."

No such suspicion seemed to cross the mind of M'Alcohol, who hitherto had remained uneasily surveying his nails in a corner, but at the first symptom of food started forwards, and was in the act of making a clean sweep of the china, when Sawley proposed the singular preliminary of a hymn. The hymn was accordingly sung.

I had hoped other things from you, Mr Dunshunner I thought you and Selina" "Nonsense, man! Nobody goes into the Gazette just now it will be time enough when the general crash comes. Out with your cheque-book, and write me an order for four-and-twenty thousand. Confound fractions! in these days one can afford to be liberal." "I haven't got it," said Sawley.

"Walk in, Mr Sawley," said I cheerfully. "What a long time it is since I have had the pleasure of seeing you too long indeed for brother directors. How are Mrs Sawley and Miss Selina won't you take a cup of coffee?" "Grass, sir, grass!" said Mr Sawley, with a sigh like the groan of a furnace-bellows. "We are all flowers of the oven weak, erring creatures, every one of us. Ah!

Sawley advanced, and wrung me by the hand with so piteous an expression of visage, that I could not help thinking some awful catastrophe had just befallen his family. "You are welcome, Mr Dunshunner welcome to my humble tabernacle. Let me present you to Mrs Sawley" and a lady, who seemed to have bathed in the Yellow Sea, rose from her seat, and favoured me with a profound curtsy.

"Why, to be sure it is high; but that, you know, is a token of the public confidence in the line. After all, the rise is nothing compared to that of several English railways; and individually, I suppose, neither of us has any reason to complain." "I don't like it," said Sawley, watching me over the margin of his coffee-cup; "I don't like it. It savours too much of gambling for a man of my habits.