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No such suspicion seemed to cross the mind of M'Alcohol, who hitherto had remained uneasily surveying his nails in a corner, but at the first symptom of food started forward, and was in the act of making a clean sweep of the china, when Sawley proposed the singular preliminary of a hymn. The hymn was accordingly sung.

Now then, let's fix the number of shares. This is our first experiment, and I think we ought to be moderate. No sound political economist is avaricious. Let us say twelve thousand, at twenty pounds apiece." "So be it." "Well then, that's arranged. I'll see Sawley and the rest to-morrow, settle with Solder, and then write out the prospectus.

Sawley, but just now I must beg you to excuse me. I have a particular engagement this morning with my broker rather a heavy transaction to settle and so " "It's no use beating about the bush any longer," said Mr. Sawley, in an excited tone, at the same time dashing down his crape-covered castor on the floor. "Did you ever see a ruined man with a large family? Look at me, Mr.

The Hieland lairds are pitting their best foremost. Will ye apply for shares?" "I think I'll tak' twa hundred. Wha's Sir Polloxfen Tremens?" "He'll be yin o' the Ayrshire folk. He used to rin horses at the Paisley races." "D' ye ken ony o' the directors, Jimsy?" "I ken Sawley fine. Ye may depend on 't, it's a gude thing if he's in 't, for he's a howkin' body. "Then it's sure to gae up.

"Did you ever see a ruined man with a large family? Look at me, Mr Dunshunner I'm one, and you've done it!" "Mr Sawley! are you in your senses?" "That depends on circumstances. Haven't you been buying stock lately?" "I am glad to say I have two thousand Glenmutchkins, I think, and this is the day of delivery." "Well, then can't you see how the matter stands? It was I who sold them!" "Well!"

I have no means of knowing in what frame of mind Mr Sawley spent the Sunday, or whether he had recourse for mental consolation to Peden; but on Monday morning he presented himself at my door in full funeral costume, with about a quarter of a mile of crape swathed round his hat, black gloves, and a countenance infinitely more doleful than if he had been attending the interment of his beloved wife.

I don't know whether it was my determined conduct at the allocation, my territorial title, or a most exaggerated idea of my circumstances, that worked upon the mind of Mr. Sawley. Possibly it was a combination of the three; but, sure enough few days had elapsed before I received a formal card of invitation to a tea and serous conversation.

In default of language, I looked Miss Sawley straight in the face, and attempted a substitute for a sigh. I was rewarded with a tender glance. "Ah!" said she, "I see you are a congenial spirit. How delightful, and yet how rare it is to meet with any one who thinks in unison with yourself! Do you ever walk in the Necropolis, Mr Dunshunner? It is my favourite haunt of a morning.

I had hoped other things from you, Mr. Dunshunner I thought you and Selina " "Nonsense, man! Nobody goes into the Gazette just now it will be time enough when the general crash comes. Out with your cheque-book, and write me an order for four and twenty thousand. Confound fractions! In these days one can afford to be liberal." "I haven't got it," said Sawley.

There we can wean ourselves, as it were, from life, and beneath the melancholy yew and cypress, anticipate the setting star. How often there have I seen the procession the funeral of some very, very little child " "Selina, my love," said Mrs. Sawley, "have the kindness to ring for the cookies."