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Burley put the book into his pocket, and turned to examine the shelves. He bought an old jest-book, a stray volume of the Comedies of Destouches, paid for them, put them also into his pocket, and was sauntering out, when he perceived Leonard, who was now standing at the doorway. "Hem! who is that?" he asked, whispering Mr. Prickett. "A young assistant of mine, and very clever." Mr.

"Come this way," he said to Ellen; and sauntering before her, with a rather dissatisfied air, led the way out of the entrance-hall into another and much larger apartment. There were plenty of people here too, and just as busy as those they had quitted. Mr.

While he was struggling between a new-found prudence, and a natural desire to inquire further into her meaning, a door upstairs was heard to shut, and presently Laura Ussher came sauntering into the room. "You're up early, Nancy," she said pleasantly. "I thought I ought to recognize the return of the wanderers in some way particularly, as I hear we are to lose one of them so soon." Mrs.

I paid a visit to it I have a fondness for sauntering in God's acre and arrived in time to witness a funeral. When the coffin was laid in the grave, a young man, probably the husband of the deceased, threw himself prone on the turf beside the open burial-trench, and burst into such a passionate tempest of heart-rending sobs and moans and wailings, that I had to move away.

Your parched, eager face strained forwards, your hungry eyes eating through the gloom, see emerge from the avenue two figures, sauntering lover-like side to side! How forgetful of the world they seem! Little think they of you, of the rack on which you have been outstretched. But their hour has come. This moment shall be their last of peace, their last of happy love. What sound was that?

From church she drove to the Park, where, bowling round the ring, or sauntering in the gardens, she soon forgot that there existed in the universe a Power of higher consequence to please than her own vanity and the admiration of the spectators.

It was nearly six o'clock in the evening and fast growing dark, yet she distinctly observed the fat-nosed man, who had alighted on the opposite side of the track and was now sauntering diagonally across the rails to the depot, his hands thrust deep in his pockets and his eyes turned away from Mary Louise as if the girl occupied no part of his thoughts. But she knew better than that.

They are never far apart, and of holidays you may meet them miles away from the school, George sauntering heavily down the lanes with his big stick, and little Jack larking with the pretty girls in the cottage-windows. George has a boat on the river, in which, however, he commonly lies smoking, whilst Jack sculls him.

"We are old, madame we are old, but, alas! we never die! It is difficult to people, that cemetery. There are only sixty of us in the parish, and we die we die hard. For example, here is my old servant" and he covered a grave with a sweep of his cane for we were leisurely sauntering through the little cemetery now.

It would only be by peeping inside those tents where ladies and children are more numerous than bearded men, that one could be convinced of the gypsy nature of this encampment; though, to be sure, one need not press inside to find them, for the gay campers are sauntering about in all directions, ladies with their escorts, children with their nurses, parties returning from boating or fishing, or riding or bathing: everybody living out in the open air the whole day through on one pretense or another, and only repairing to the hotel at meal times, when the exquisite dishes prepared by French half-breeds suffer the most instant demolition such hunger does open air inspire.