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When Marco had admired these objects long enough, he leaned a little over the side of the boat, and began to look down into the water. The water was not deep, and the bottom was smooth and sandy. They glided rapidly along over these sands.

It is possible it might have been passed in the night, as the islanders described it to be small, sandy, and almost even with the surface of the sea. The harbour of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, in Awatska Bay, was appointed for the next rendezvous of the two vessels, in case of separation.

Rain, driven by the wind, slashed through the foliage and pattered against his primitive shelter. Thunder rolled in an endless fusillade, punctuated by flashes of lightning. But Sandy, without considering the matter, was quite sure that none of these things had awakened him.

She had no more idea than a horse of how to photograph a procession; but being in doubt, it was just like her to try to do it with an axe. Sandy and I were on the road again, next morning, bright and early.

I ought to be getting under way soon if I want to land my flock in high, cool pasturage before the heat comes." "Very true, Sandy. I have kept you behind because your aid in starting off the wagons and the other herders was invaluable. But, as you say, there is no need to detain you longer. How soon could you get away?" "I could start to-morrow if I had my permit." "How is that?"

Desmond and Jerry both declared that they could see no sign of breakers, and just before the sun dipped beneath the horizon his rays shone on a white sandy beach, which promised to afford them an easy landing-place. On one point, however, the doctor's mind was not satisfied. "What if the island is inhabited by savages?

And this low mangrove land is overflown every tide of flood by the water that flows into it through several mouths or openings in the outer sandy skirt against the sea.

A friend o' mine sure once told me that meat, good meat, was the best feed fer prize dogs, an' he was a feller that won a heap o' prizes. He had one, Boston bull, I " "'ll I need to git dog-biscuit for them kiddies?" inquired Sunny sarcastically. "Say, you make me sick," cried Sandy, flushing angrily. "Guess that's how you'll make them kiddies," interposed Toby.

As a matter of business it was a good idea to get the notion around that the thing was difficult. Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising. That monk was filled up with the difficulty of this enterprise; he would fill up the others. In two days the solicitude would be booming. On my way home at noon, I met Sandy. She had been sampling the hermits.

If ever we get there we'll be coming from different points and in different characters, so we want a rendezvous where all kinds of odd folk assemble. Sandy, you know Constantinople. You fix the meeting-place. 'I've already thought of that, he said, and going to the writing-table he drew a little plan on a sheet of paper.