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Sandy approached them as they were turning away reluctantly. "I'd shore like to have you young fellers take dinner with us at the bunkhouse, if you care to," he said. "I'd like to have the boys get acquainted with yer. Maybe we won't have all the trimmin's that you'd get at the boss's table, but I guess we can manage to fill yer up."

The male, wide-winged and more gracefully shaped, hovers incessantly a few inches above the sandy expanse. For hours at a time, on the same spot, after the manner of the Scolia-wasp he spies the coming of the females out of the ground.

"I'm afraid you were never made for a treasure-seeker," said Mr. Daddles. Jimmy Toppan pointed to the beach on the other side of the hill. There was a smooth, sandy shore. "Why not go in swimming down there?" he suggested. The idea was a good one; we were not making much progress toward finding any treasure, and the beach certainly looked like a good place for a swim.

"You boys never came clear up here just to chase through the snow after game when there's plenty of shooting three hundred miles to the south." "You say you think that Pierre is the man who bought the Little Brass God of the pawnbroker?" asked Sandy, as the boys stopped for a moment to rest. "Is that the reason you followed him here?" "That's the reason!" was the reply.

The touch, the contact, brought sharply to the girl the memory of their parting when, beside The Way, she had asked him to marry her some day and Sandy had kissed her! "Little Cynthia, try to make a place in Lost Hollow for the man Sandy, who has come home a lonely stranger." He seemed old and detached, but his nearness and the memory of their last interview composed Cynthia.

She was fair and fragile, and had been exceedingly beautiful; but care had stamped his mark deeply in her brow. Neither care nor time, however, could mar the noble outline of her fine features, or equal the love that beamed in her gentle eyes. The widow was a great mystery to the gossips of Sandy Cove; for there are gossips even in the most distant isles of the sea.

The moonlight lay in an empty splendour over the broad sandy road, with the acacias pricking up on each side of it and the gardens of the station bungalows stretching back into clusters of crisp shadows. It was an exquisite February night, very still.

So important is this feature that though it can be readily proved that, other things being equal, the tomato will give larger yield and better fruit on well drained clay loam than on sandy soil, yet it is more generally and more successfully planted on sandy lands simply because they are usually better drained and on this account give better crops.

This was in August. "I have been thinking seriously of getting some one else in his place," Dill answered, in his quiet way. "There isn't very much to do here; if some one came who would take an interest and cook just what we wanted I will own I have no taste for that peculiar mixture which Sandy calls 'Mulligan, and I have frequently told him so. Yet he insists upon serving it twice a day.

"It's a mon drooning," was the reply. The poor fellow, whom Sandy, by aid of his glass, now discovered to be in a wornout condition, was about half a mile east of Newhaven pier-head, and unfortunately the wind was nearly due east. Christie was standing north-northeast, her boat-hook jammed against the sail, which stood as flat as a knife.