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He ate the remainder of his salad in silence, but he thought a good deal. "And now," said Mrs. Dunn, rising and leading the way to the drawing-room, "we must all go for a motor ride. Everyone rides on Sunday afternoon," she explained, turning to her male guest. The distressed look returned to Captain Elisha's face. His niece saw it, understood, and came to his rescue.

Do you mean to say you can COOK?" "Not well, but I can fry almost anything. Mother has a maid. I couldn't afford two." "I love fried things," he assured her, with a twinkle. "And to think you're going to cook for ME! That's an experience for both of us. Let's have some fried roast beef and fried corn on the cob with fried salad and cheese " "Don't tease," she begged, uncertainly.

While they were dancing Phoebus treated Minerva to salad bowls of negus, and Neptune sat in state among seven or eight women who regaled him with cakes. Allusions were eagerly caught; indecent meanings were attached to them; harmless phrases were diverted from their proper significations in the light of exclamations issuing from the stalls.

There were thes dansants, musicales, concerts, of which the Sousa concert in Boston was the most important, operettas, masques, garden parties, costume parties, salad demonstrations, candy sales, bridge parties; a moving-picture film of Wellesley went the rounds of many clubs, from city to city, through New England and the Middle West.

As one after another of the most exquisitely balanced kedgerees of curries, accompanied with their appropriate vintages, were laid before the other two, he only repeated that it was one of his fast-days, and munched a piece of bread and sipped and then left untasted a tumbler of cold water. His talk, however, was exuberant. "I'll tell you what I'll do for you," he cried , "I'll mix you a salad!

Another way of saying that is that they have a very high satiety value. Fats make a person feel full for a long time because their presence in the stomach makes it churn and churn and churn. The best fats contain high levels of monosaturated vegetable oils that have never been exposed to heat or chemicals like virgin olive oil. Use small quantities of olive oil for salad dressing.

Put on crisp lettuce leaves in the salad bowl; cover with a mayonnaise dressing. Serve cold. Turkish Stewed Lamb. Season a quarter of a young lamb and cut into pieces. Lay in a large stew-pan and cover with hot water. Add 1 sliced onion, 2 sliced green peppers and 2 tomatoes, 1 red pepper and 2 sprigs of parsley. Let stew slowly until tender. Then fry thin slices of egg-plant and add to the stew.

If lettuce has grown until rather too old for salad, it may be cooked, and makes a fairly palatable dish. Wash four or five heads of lettuce, carefully removing thick, bitter stalks and retaining all sound leaves. Cook in plenty of boiling salted water for ten or fifteen minutes, then blanch in cold water for a minute or two.

The fragments of a jug and glass lay scattered round his feet. To the tablecloth an overturned cruet-stand mingled with egg gave colour. A tingling sensation about his head called for investigation. Mr. Korner was forced to the conclusion that somebody had been trying to make a salad of him somebody with an exceptionally heavy hand for mustard. A sound directed Mr. Korner's attention to the door.

He dyed his face brown, so that his own mother would not have known him; and begged for shelter: "I am so tired," said he, "that I can go no further." The witch asked, "Who are you, countryman, and what is your business?" "I am a King's messenger, and was sent out to seek the most delicious salad which grows beneath the sun.