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The holiness of these regions sent through me waves of peace. I stepped softly past the old men and women who knelt upon the pavements, and gazed longingly upon their simpler spiritual plane; I drew back reluctantly from the only garden where the Cross is planted in visible, reverential substance.

"To sew on the string of my bonnet, Papa." "But how did it happen that the string was off?" "Well," said Katy, reluctantly, "I am afraid that was my fault, for it came off on Tuesday, and I didn't fasten it on." "So you see we must go back of Aunt Izzie for the beginning of this unlucky day of yours, Childie. Did you ever hear the old saying about, 'For the want of a nail the shoe was lost'?"

Freeman said that Lady had now had a good rest and would be quite ready to start on, the girls reluctantly left the beach and walked slowly toward the chaise. "I wonder where father and Lady are?" said Rose, and as she spoke Mr. Freeman came running across the little green field. "Lady is gone! Stolen, I'm afraid," he called out. The girls looked at him in amazement.

"Second, you must give up your ill-gotten wealth to the people." Lorenzo groaned, and finally reluctantly agreed. "Third, you must restore to Florence her liberty." Lorenzo groaned and moaned, and turned his face to the wall. Savonarola grimly waited half an hour, but no sign coming from the stricken man, he silently went his way.

We want all the mothers to attend. Do you think it a good idea, Ursula? 'It is an excellent one, I returned reluctantly, for I grudged the praise to Mr. Hamilton. He could benefit his fellow-creatures, and give time and strength and energy to the poor sick people, and yet sneer at me civilly when I wanted to do the same, just because I was a woman.

Then a sudden and indescribable wavering passed over her face, like the passing of the wind over a field of rye, and slowly, as if reluctantly obeying an unseen attraction, she retreated, still facing them, across the room, and disappeared within the cabinet. Instantly Alta touched the piano, playing the same slow, heavy chords as before.

"I hate to leave you two with him," muttered Reade reluctantly. "If this world-boss gets violent you two won't be enough for him." "We can get out of the way, if we have to," Dick rejoined. "But hurry, Tom. We need a lot of the fellows, for we ought to seize this poor fellow and get him into town, even if only that be may have proper attention for his burned hand and arm. Hustle.

Both he and the ministers who swore against her, used against her statements which she had made in private interviews with them, which she had supposed to be confidential, but which were now reported in detail. Naturally she reproached the witnesses with being informers, and they justified their course hotly. Mr. Cotton's testimony, given most reluctantly, confirmed their statements.

'Yes, if I have the chance; but Burton is the Bush man. I could never find you without his help. 'In any case you will write? 'I am bound to. They parted with a handshake, but fingers unclasped reluctantly and with a clinging appeal. Done and Burton, on returning to Jim Crow, found that Harry Peetree, quietly prospecting in the vicinity of the rush, had opened up a new gully.

"Methinks I should have better earned your grace's bounty if I had let the hart work his will," said Fenwolf, reluctantly receiving the coin. "How, fellow?" cried the cardinal, knitting his brows. "Nay, I mean no offence," replied Fenwolf; "but the rumour goes that your grace and the Lady Anne are not well affected towards each other."