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Throw yourself into it! and then to watch them walk it through like puppets! Well, The Taming of the Shrew is pretty stiff work for amateurs, no doubt of that there's that much to be said. Breakfast time, childie! You must hurry, and I must be off." Half an hour later Ruth watched her sister walk away down the street with Louis, her step as lithe and vigorous as her brother's.

Day after day she did it, until Polly, who was worried to think how tedious it must be for her, would look around and say, "Oh, childie, do run out and play." "I want to stay," Phronsie would beg in an injured tone; "please let me, Polly." So Polly would jump and give her a kiss, and then, delighted to know that she was there, would go at her practicing with twice the vigor and enthusiasm.

The little fellow seemed to be tottering towards her, the eyes a little frightened, yet trusting, the gait unsteady. 'Childie! she said in a whisper, smiling at him 'Childie! Then with a long sigh, she rose, and feebly made her way to the loggia. Her maid was waiting for her. But Eleanor refused her sofa.

The stream leaped out and flowed right and left over the dry grass, till it lapped in tiny waves against their hillock "like sand castles," as Elfrida observed. It spread out in a lake, wider and wider; but presently gathered itself together and began to creep down the hill, winding in and out among the hillocks in an ever-deepening stream. "Come on, childie, let's make for the moat.

'What is the matter, childie? Nothing could have been more tender than his tone. The tears came to my eyes, and I rested my head against his shoulder with a sigh. 'I don't know, I said. 'What is the matter with you, Philip?

"Why am I writing all this to you? I don't, know, childie, really, save that I remember what a curious way you have of telling Jesus all about your friends and their trials, and I remember with great comfort that you are my friend.

"I do hope you can feel the thanks I'm sending you across all that big salt water!" Clara Lyndesay's own eyes misted a little. "That little study isn't deserving of such glowing words," she said to herself. "Now I must see what my other childie has to say. Their letters are growing more similar.

Linda went to the kitchen, Laid her books and package of mail on the table, and, walking over to the stove, she proceeded deliberately and heartily to kiss the cook. "Katy, me darlin'," she said, "look upon your only child. Do you notice a 'lean and hungry look' on her classic features?" Katy turned adoring eyes to the young girl. "It's growing so fast ye are, childie," she said.

"You don't mean to say you've DONE anything?" cried Delia, very white. "It's all over, it's all over!" With which Francie's face braved denial. "Are you crazy, Francie?" Delia demanded. "I'm sure you look as if you were." "Ain't you going to be married, childie?" asked Mr. Dosson all considerately, but coming nearer to her.

"Why, just this: you women are so nervous and excitable, that you are very apt to see your friends and the world in general with some coloring just as unreal. I am sorry for you, childie, but really I can't help you to get up a romance out of this bracelet. Well, good-night, Emily; take good care of yourself and go to bed;" and Mr.