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The manuscript of many of Animuccia's compositions is still preserved in the Vatican Library. From the latter Padre Martini has taken two specimens for his Saggio di Contrapunto. A mass from the Primo Libra di Messe on the canto fermo of the hymn Conditor alme siderum is published in modern notation in the Anthologie des maîtres religieux primitifs of the Chanteurs de Saint Gervais.

Apres des journees absorbees tout entieres par les devoirs que sa place lui impose, il reunit les pauvres, les ouvriers, leur donne des cours gratuits, et trouve encore le moyen de les amuser en les instruisant. Ce devouement te dira assez que M. Heger est profondement et ouvertement religieux.

I don't know why I thought of the "Air Religieux" just then, but I suppose it was because of the rain. I could see the straight yellow candle-flames all blue around the wick, and Father's head tucked down looking at the 'cello, and his hands, nice and strong, playing it; then I got a little mixed and heard him calling "Christi-ine," fainter and fainter.

Her father, on his part, was urgent that she should marry again. Ce religieux, apres y avoir serieusement reflechi devant Dieu, lui repondit qu'il croyait avoir trouve un moyen de tout concilier." Among her acquaintance was M. de Bernieres, a gentleman of high rank, great wealth, and zealous devotion. She wrote to him, explained the situation, and requested him to feign a marriage with her.

The public is won by the bold, imperious talents by the enterprising and the skillful. It does not believe in modesty, which it regards as a device of impotence. The golden book contains but a section of the true geniuses; it names those only who have taken glory by storm. November 15, 1876. I have been reading "L'Avenir Religieux des Peuples Civilises," by Emile de Laveleye.

"Jamais il ne se relâcha du soin de tenir le clergé dans une nullité absolue relativement aux affaires politiques; on peut en juger par la conduite qu'il tint avec l'ordre religieux le plus redoutable et le plus accoutumé

There is a passage from Condorcet's Des Progr�s de l'esprit humain, which seems to have been written as a warning to our epoch: Le z�le religieux des philosophes et des grands n'�tait qu'une d�votion politique: et toute religion, qu'on se permet de d�fendre comme une croyance qu'il est utile de laisser au peuple, ne peut plus esp�rer qu'une agonie plus ou moins prolong�e.

Doctor Bastwick, a physician in high repute, expressed sympathy for Barrister Prynne as he stood in the sun on the scaffold, consoling him with a word of friendship and a foolish tear. Laud had a clergyman in disguise standing near the condemned Prynne, "to feel the pulse of the people." He felt the pulse of Doctor Bastwick, and reported his action to Laud, the religieux.

He produced a map of the world, and on it pointed out the vast extent of the dominions of Philip II. Thereupon Masuda asked him how it was so many countries had been brought to acknowledge the sway of a single man.... "Our Kings," said this outspoken seaman, "begin by sending into the countries they wish to conquer religieux who induce the people to embrace our religion, and when they have made considerable progress, troops are sent who combine with the new Christians, and then our Kings have not much trouble in accomplishing the rest."

The Trappistes, or first order, are distinguished by the appellation of Frères Convers, the others by that of Religieux de Coeur.