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In alia homines sunt toti pilosi et hispidi, vsu simiarum manibus et pedibus ambulantes, et ad arbores reptantes, qui quamuis non loquuntur, apparent rationabiles, qui regem habent, et rectores. Et in alia omnes sunt claudi, qui quamuis pedes habeant, tamen ambulant super genua multum ridiculose, imo miserabiliter, vt de passu in passum videantur casuri in terrem.

III. XIII. Increase of Amusements For this reason we can hardly be too cautious in assuming allusions on the part of Plautus to the events of the times. The remarkable passage in the -Tarentilla- can have no other meaning: -Quae ego in theatro hic meis probavi plausibus, Ea non audere quemquam regem rumpere: Quanto libertatem hanc hic superat servitus!

"To you, to Bonaparte, to the First Consul he deigns to ? Why, that's very kind of the Abbe Bernier? Have you accepted them?" "Yes, Roland; if the Vendee will give me peace, I will open her churches and give her back her priests." "And suppose they chant the Domine, salvum fac regem?" "That would be better than not singing at all. God is omnipotent, and he will decide.

It will be readily understood that the du Guenics were at the head of the faubourg Saint-Germain of the old Breton province, where no member of the new administration sent down by the government was ever allowed to penetrate. For the last six years the rector coughed when he came to the crucial words, Domine, salvum fac regem. Politics were still at that point in Guerande.

Alter Barbarorum et Affricorum, cuius erat sedes in Maroco super Mare Hispaniae. Et sub quo Richardus Rex Angliae cum alijs principibus Christianis custodiebat passum Rupium, ne ille sicut proposuerat transire, profecisset vltra. Tertius Melachsala, a quo sanctus Ludouicus rex Franciae captiuabatur in bello. Quartus Turquenna, qui Regem praedictum redemi dimisit pro pecunia. Quintus Meleth.

Cromwell writes thus to Cassalis: "Carceribus mancipati tractabantur humanius atque mitius quam par fuisset pro eorum demeritis; per Regem illis licebat proximorum colloquio et consuetudine frui.

While they are in the government, and rule well, he holds them for good; but so soon as they do exceed, and govern ill, then he throws them down from their seat, as Mary sings, and there he lets them lie. Ut Regem Danioe.

Ellis, third series, Vol. II. p. 375. Si Rex Præfatus, vel alii, inhibitioni ac prohibitioni et interdicto hujusmodi contravenerint, Regem ipsum ac alios omnes supradictos, sententias censuras et poenas prædictas ex nunc prout ex tunc incurrisse declaramus, et ut tales publicari ac publice nunciari et evitari ac interdictum per totum regnum Angliæ sub dictis poenis observari debere, volumus atque mandamus.

Nam tribus octenis regia sceptra tulit; Quindecies Domini centenus fluxerat annus, Currebat nonus, cum venit atra dies; Septima ter mensis lux tunc fulgebat Aprilis, Cum clausit summum tanta corona diem. Nulla dedere prius tantum sibi saecula regem Anglia, vix similem posteriora dabunt.

Quibus auditis, filius regis Malcolmi Dunechan regem Willelmum, cui tune militavit, ut ei regnum sui patris concederet, petiit, et impetravit, illique fidelitatem juravit. Et sic ad Scotiam cum multitudine Anglorum et Normannorum properavit, et patruum suum Dufenaldum de regno expulit, et in loco ejus regnavit. Deinde nonnulli Scottorum in unum congregati, homines illius pene omnes peremerunt.