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Sister Bali's advice was accepted and she herself volunteered to interview the town clerk. Juli gave her four reales and added some strips of jerked venison her grand-father had got, for Tandang Selo had again devoted himself to hunting. But the town clerk could do nothing the prisoner was in Manila, and his power did not extend that far.

The harbour soon swarms with the countless boats of the natives coming with fruit and wares to sell or hoping to earn a few reales by rowing the curious to the wharf. Señor Noma engages the largest of these boats and invites as many as it will hold to go ashore with him. He helps in Mrs.

It is well built and he did not pay more than eight cuartos a day to those whom he employed even those who came from other towns. That fellow knows how to treat them. He does not do like many fools and mesticillos who spoil them by paying them three or four reales." "Does Your Reverence say that he only paid eight cuartos?

For these he makes many little shoes, for which he charges five or six reales a pair; at that time he had orders for three pairs, and showed us the little forms or lasts he employs, and the special leather; they are particular about this, using black for shoes for males and red for females. He says they also use little hats, serapes, enaguas and quichiquemils, for their muñecos.

"Dos reales" was the price of that piece of lavish entertainment, the old twopence-halfpenny still holding sway in out-districts against the more modern decimal notation. A peseta is worth rather less than a franc at the usual rate of exchange. And then a guide was wanted. Every able-bodied man amongst the villagers offered his services for nothing.

Don John, from Ocana accompanied her Imperial Majesty two or three days' journey. Sir Robert Southwell was admitted to accompany him in like manner, and perform the same function. On Wednesday the 18/28th of April, her Imperial Majesty went from the palace to the Descalcas Reales, and from thence to the Atoche, from whence she began her journey for Vienna.

"Got any money about you?" asked Vidal of Manuel and Bizco. "Two reales," replied the latter. "Well, then, invite us to something," suggested Vidal. "Let's have a bottle." Bizco assented, grumblingly, so they arose and took their way toward Madrid.

In the inner courtyard the rooms were much cheaper than those of the large patio; most of them brought twenty-three reales, but there were some for two or three pesetas per month: dismal dens with no ventilation at all, built in the spaces under stairways and under the roof.

MARQUESA. Así, así ... tengo coche ... dos mil reales al mes de alfileres ... y en cuanto a mi marido ... es como todos los maridos, ni feo, ni bonito, ni ... tu suerte, Matilde, es la que no me parece muy envidiable. DOÑA MATILDE. Al contrario ... ayer me casé con el hombre que adoraba. MARQUESA. ¡Calla! ¿Serías acaso la novia que estuvo a pique de acostarse anoche a oscuras?

It was arranged that both of these dependants of mine should accompany me in my expedition to the Indian villages; and to clinch our bargain I gave Pablo the seven reales wherewith to buy his rain-coat on the spot.