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Raymount took him not merely for a man of thought but one of some originality even capable at least of forming an opinion of his own, as is, he was in the habit of averring, not one in ten thousand. In relation to the wider circle of the country, Mr. Vavasor was so entirely a nobody, that the acquaintance of a writer even so partially known as Mr. Raymount was something to him.

All agreed that Miss Raymount had a splendid voice, but several of those who were there by second-hand invitation could find a woman to beat her easily! Their criticisms were, nevertheless, not unfriendly in general condescending and patronizing. I believe most of this class regarded their presence as a favor granted her.

Cornelius turned in offense, went back to the piano, and sang the song again not one hair better in just the same nerveless, indifferent fashion as before; for how shall one who has no soul, put soul into a song? Mrs. Raymount was sitting at the fireside with her embroidery. She had not spoken since tea, but now she called Hester, and said to her quietly "Don't provoke him, Hester.

Raymount had never before seen there: it was the look of one who had an unpleasant duty to discharge a thing to do he would rather not do, but which it would cost him far more to leave undone. He had brought the things he promised, every one, and at sight of them Mark had brightened up amazingly.

"Are you angry with me?" faltered Amy. "Oh, Miss Raymount, I don't think I deserve it!" "Speak out, child! Why should I be angry with you?" "Do you know what it is? Oh, I hardly know what I am saying! He is dying! he is dying!" She sank on the floor, and covered her face with her hands.

"I am only too much delighted Miss Raymount should care to ask me anything," said Vavasor. "My aunt does mean to make me her heir, I believe, but one must not depend upon that, because, if I were to displease her, she might change her mind any moment.

Who could think of God as a God like Christ and other than such he were not Godand imagine he would not care as much for the family of John Franks as for the family of Gerald Raymount? It is impossible to believe that he loves such as Cornelius or Vavasor as he loves a Christopher. There must be a difference! The God of truth cannot love the unlovely in the same way as he loves the lovely.

In lowest depths Raymount saw a lower deep, and stood looking down on the pair with subsiding passion. Amy had walked all the long distance from the station and more, for she had lost her way. Again and again she had all but lain down to die on the moorland waste on to which she had wandered, when the thought of Corney and his need of her roused her again.

In the meantime he would, as Cornelius, after the first burst of his rage was over, had begged him, be careful to make no illusion to the matter. Mr. Raymount went to look at his property, and returned more delighted with house, land, and landscape, than he had expected. He seldom spoke of his good fortune, however, except to his wife, or betrayed his pleasure except by a glistening of the eyes.

Raymount, and finding both him and his family in good repute, complained of indeed as exclusive, he had told his aunt as much concerning them as he judged prudent, hinting it would give him pleasure if she should see fit to call upon Mrs. Raymount. Miss Vavasor being, however, naturally jealous of the judgment of young men, pledged herself to nothing, and made inquiries for herself.