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"Whither are we bound?" she inquired. "Only the mare knows that," Julius replied, and in shaken silence they rode on. History is not very enlightening as to how long Julius Fenchurch-Streete lived with Sarah Twig poor Sarah, the bubble of her romance soon was to be pricked. For three weeks they lived gloriously, radiantly, at the old sign of "The Cod and Haddock" in Egham.

"If Mr. Harry Mr. Van Warden," he said, "is to stay to dinner, might I suggest, sir, he is very partial to the Paul Vibert, '84." Fred Keep gazed stupidly from his butler to the stranger and then at his wife. She was again radiantly beautiful and smilingly happy. Gridley coughed tentatively. "Shall I open a bottle, sir?" he asked. Hopelessly Fred tossed his arms heavenward.

"I wish there was no one in the world but you and me." "Ah, you'd find it very crowded at times," said Colville sadly. "Well, well," he added, "I'll go to your fandangoes, because you want me to go." "That's all I wished you to say," she replied, lifting her head, and looking him radiantly in the face. "I don't want you to go at all!

She had had a definite picture of them at the Santa Fe station in Los Angeles and their sudden appearance almost bewildered her. Her mother was a trifle tearful and reproachful but she was radiantly beautiful in her winter plumage. Stephen's handclasp was solid and comforting.

That afternoon the whole world seemed to devote itself to being perfect and radiantly beautiful and kind to one boy. Perhaps out of pure heavenly goodness the spring came and crowned everything it possibly could into that one place. More than once Dickon paused in what he was doing and stood still with a sort of growing wonder in his eyes, shaking his head softly. "Eh! it is graidely," he said.

Presently she found one so becoming that she ran back to them, delighted. "It isn't once in a thousand years that I find a picture hat that looks well with my pug nose!" she cried. "But gaze on this!" She revolved slowly before them, so radiantly pleased over her discovery that she looked unusually pretty. Both girls exclaimed over its becomingness.

It is trite to speak of a woman as being radiantly beautiful, commonplace to refer to it at all, save by implication, since feminine beauty is a composite attribute, vague and indefinable, and should possess no single quality to individualize it. Beauty such as that possessed by Princess Zara can neither be defined nor described. It is the tout ensemble of her presence and her personal charm.

Then he saw that it was his time to speak; that this was the moment for him to dare everything and ask for the utmost he could hope from her. "Give me your word!" he said, still radiantly struggling. "Give me your word your word your word and your sacred promise, Julia that you'll never be engaged to anybody at all!"

The dauntless spirit of joyous liberty was in her blood, she loved the fresh air and vigorous exercise, and was a graceful, daring rider, never knowing what it was to feel a single pulse of fear. Just now she was radiantly happy. She was glad to be at home again, and still more glad that her plans for eluding the pursuit of Lord Roxmouth had completely succeeded.

She went to put on her cloak and, hat, and found him waiting for her at the top of the staircase. They passed out into the beautiful night: the sky was radiantly bejewelled, the air crisp and cold, and harmless to do ill. In the distance, the jodelling of some peasants. In the hotels, the fun and merriment, side by side with the suffering and hopelessness.