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For an instant he stood with the handle in his hand. He had been terribly anxious for the arrival of this moment, but now that it had come, he would almost fain have had it again postponed. His heart sank very low as he turned the lock, and entering, found himself in the presence of Mr. Prendergast. Mr. Prendergast was standing with his back to the fire.

The report that it was buried near may have been set about to prevent their hunting for it elsewhere, and the gold may be lying now somewhere in the heart of the mountains." Harry Prendergast and his brother looked in astonishment at the massive walls that rose around the eminence on which the temple had stood.

Prendergast's words had been too sudden to produce belief of so great a fact, and his first thought was that an endeavour was being made to fool him. "Those tidings which that man has told you," said Mr. Prendergast, solemnly. "That you should not have believed them from him shows only your discretion. But from me you may believe them.

The Right Honourable William Conolly, then living at Leixlip Castle, distributed £20 worth of meal in Leixlip, and ordered his steward to attend to the wants of the people there during the frost. Lords Mountjoy and Tullamore, Sir Thomas Prendergast, and other influential persons commenced a general collection in Dublin, but it was only for the starving artizans of Dublin.

Prendergast threw us over a chart, told us that we were shipwrecked mariners whose ship had foundered in lat. 15° N. and long. 25° W., and then cut the painter and let us go. "And now I come to the most surprising part of my story, my dear son.

At any rate, it would not do for him to go to the hunt while such deeds as these were being done. It might be that his assistance would be wanted. Mr. Prendergast smiled, with a saturnine and somewhat bitter smile the nearest approach to a laugh in which he was known to indulge, for the same notion came also into his head. "He has disposed of him, and now he is thinking how he will dispose of me."

Suddenly the door on the landing opened, throwing a flood of light on their faces, and Jonah was astonished to see Miss Grimes, trim and neat, looking in alarm from him to the cabman and his burden. As Prendergast dropped Ada on the couch, she took a step forward. "What has happened? Is she hurt?" she asked, bending over Ada; but the next moment she turned away.

Prendergast, seem to consider that the main object of the atrocious proceedings we now proceed to glance at was "greed," and that the English Government merely connived at the covetous desires of adventurers and undertakers, who wished to destroy the Irish and occupy their lands; for, as Spenser says "Sure it was a most beautiful and sweete country as any under heaven, being stored throughout with many goodly rivers, replenished with all sorts of fish most abundantly; sprinkled with many very sweete islands, and goodly lakes like little inland seas; adorned with goodly woods; also full of very good ports and havens opening upon England as inviting us to come into them."

Prendergast was of a different class, and had said a civil word or two, asking him to come near the fire, and suggesting that Owen would be down in less than five minutes.

It is as well to lose no time, for I know that you want to catch the afternoon coach up to town." Mrs. Cunningham and Millicent joined them in a minute or two, the girl looking very pale in her deep mourning. "I am about," Mr. Prendergast said quietly, "to read the wills of Colonel Thorndyke and Mr.