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I liked him a lot." "I should think you would! But, Polly, Tom is several years older than you. In fact he is older than Bob, as she found out when she tried to capture him for herself. His father is one of the richest financiers in New York." "I didn't think of his age, although now you speak of it, I suppose he must be about John's age.

"I've wondered sometimes," Polly went on, "what I would do if I had to stay alone as much as some folks do the ladies here, for instance. Of course you can visit each other." "Yes, except in the hours when it is forbidden." "Strange, they won't let you go to see each other in the evening." "I think it is because the ladies used to stay upstairs visiting instead of going down to hear Mrs.

Polly worked vigorously through the towels, holding them up to the light to discover their thin places, pinching them in parts, and feeling their texture between her finger and thumb. In the end she pronounced about a dozen unworthy of domestic service, and Susan was desired to spend her afternoon in repairing them. "I can't, then, Miss Polly," said the much injured housemaid.

Polly's legs, and did their best to be trodden upon and killed after the manner of ducklings all the world over. Mr. Polly had never been near young ducklings before, and their extreme blondness and the delicate completeness of their feet and beaks filled him with admiration. It is open to question whether there is anything more friendly in the world than a very young duckling.

The watch is good enough for me." It took Mr. Sparkes two or three minutes to understand this joke. Whilst he was reflecting upon it a thought suddenly passed through his mind, which startled him by its suggestiveness. "Polly!" "Well?" "It ain't your Uncle Clover, is it?" The girl laughed loudly as if at a preposterous question. "Him? Why, I've as good as forgot there was such a man!

As for Polly, she enjoyed being Celia with all her might, and declared her intention of going immediately on the 'regular' stage; but Jack somewhat destroyed her hopes by affirming that her nose and hair wouldn't be just the thing on the metropolitan boards, although they might pass muster in a backwoods theatre. 'Hello! What's this? exclaimed Philip, one morning. 'A visitor? Yes no!

Oh, Polly, when he said that, I could n't bear it, because in spite of all my trying, I 'm still so weak and poor and silly." "We don't think so; and I know you 'll be all he hopes to find you, for he 's just the husband you ought to have." "Thank you all the more, then, for not keeping him yourself," said Fanny, laughing the old blithe laugh again.

In perfect horror Aunt Polly looked on, regretting for once the ghost story which she had told. "Why don't you take the chamber jinin' the young ladies? that ain't haunted," said she, when they sent for her to help move the piano. "Miss Margaret won't thank you for scattern' her things." "You've nothing to do with Lenora," said Mrs. Hamilton; "you've only to attend to your own matters."

'Don't you remember, when you came home after your wound, you said I I mustn't and she fell into such a paroxysm of crying that he had quite to hold her up in his arms, and though his voice was merry, there was a moisture on his eyelashes. 'Oh, you Polly! You're a caution against deluding the infant mind! Was that all? Was that what made you distract them all? Why not have said so? 'Oh, never!

Neefit. And they were the only words she had spoken. Polly, from the first, had resolved that she would own to the shop. If Mr. Newton came to see her, he should come to see a girl who was not ashamed to speak of herself as the daughter of a breeches-maker. "He don't talk much, does he, Mr. Newton?" said Mr. Neefit, laughing merrily. "Do tell me one thing," said Ralph.