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He's pointin' to a display of checked gingham frocks, blue and white and pink and white, with hats to match. "Yes," says I, "do look sort of familiar, don't they?" "Why," he goes on, "they're almost exactly like those of of Lucy's; the same simple lines, the same material and everything." "Classy stuff," says I. "Come along, though. The picture place is next door, upstairs."

The spring had always been in his judgment, sympathetically received, "too terrible warm," or "pointin' right to a late frost that'll kill everything," or, were it not palpably a failure, "so durned nice now that the summer'll be mean." But with the good news coming from the hospital he was ready to declare in response to friendly greetings: "It's the beatin'est time I ever come 'cross.

Caw! Then shoo'd bring t' jackdaws out o' their holes i' t' rocks, an' next minute shoo were pointin' to t' mossy roots o' t' trees hingin' ower t' beck, while a Jenny wren would hop out an' sing as though he were fit to brust hissen. An' all t' time it were gettin' leeter an' leeter, an' I could see that t' sun were shinin' on' t' cliffs aboon Malham, though Janet's Cove were still i' t' shade.

Say, he lets out a yell for your life 'Oh, my God! he says, 'my kids up there, pointin' to where the little flames was spittin' out through the side like a fire-eatin' act.

"An' then he wanted to know why I asked, an' I told him all about it; an' he asked me all sorts of questions, an' finally he says to me, "'I think, ef you pay me ten dollars, that I'd agree to git your son for you. An' says he, pointin' to a house over the way, 'You go 'long an' tell your story to the folks in that house, an' I guess they'll give you the money.

Poor Margaret was so shocked and mortified she didn't know what to do. "'Stop your noise, sonny, says I. 'This gentleman wants to talk to your nurse. "The answer I got was some unexpected. "'What makes your feet so big? says Archie, pointin' at my Sunday boots. 'Why do you wear shoes like that? Can't you help it? You're funny, too, aren't you? You're funnier than the rest of 'em.

Believe me, sir, when I lets my heart feel again the fears o' last fall, I haven't no love left for Jim. No, sir! doin' what he done this summer, I haven't no love left for Jim. "'It's fish me an' Jagger wants, b'y, says he t' me, 'an' they's no one'll keep un from us. "'Dear man! says I, pointin' t' the scales, 'haven't you got no conscience? "'Conscience! says he. 'What's that?

Butch was fast, but the young feller was faster. He had Butch by the wrist before the gun came clear just gave a little twist and there he stood with the gun in his hand pointin' into Butch's face, and Butch sittin' there like a feller in a trance or wakin' up out of a bad dream. "Then he gets up, slow and dignified, though he had enough liquor in him to float a ship.

"'Do you mean to tell me, suh, the wonderful courage displayed by that mayah when the time came, was false? says ole man Sanford, pointin' at Très Jolie's stall. 'Ah saw strong men, the backbone of this state, suh, he says, 'watch that mayah come home with tears in their eyes. Were their natures moved to the depths by an insulting counterfeit of greatness? "'Why, sure not! I says.

I saw you come, but I wasn't figgerin' on makin' any explanations for my bein' around the Lazy Y at that time of the night, an' besides I saw the Taggarts sneakin' up on you. While they was gassin' to you I had one knee on Telza's windpipe an' my rifle pointin' in the general direction of the Taggarts, figgerin' that if they tried to start anything I'd beat them to it.