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Then he had another good look all round, and presently I see him put his hand up to his eyes and stand looking away down to leeward. `Do you see anythink, sir? says I. And he says still with his hand up shadin' his eyes `I don't know, Chips, says he, `but I'm most certain, says he, `that one of them boats is thereaway, pointin' with his finger away down to leeward. `It's too dark and thick down there to see werry distinctly, he says, `but every now and then I keeps fancyin' I can see a small dark spot like a boat's sail showin' up in the middle of the haze, says he.

"Well, it pacified him a bit, and to turn the conversation, sais I, 'Colonel, sais I, 'what a most an almighty everlastin' super superior Newfoundler that is, a pointin' to his dog; 'creation, sais I, 'if I had a regiment of such fellows, I believe I wouldn't be afraid of the devil. My, sais I, 'what a dog! would you part with him? I'de give anything for him.

In the other half is a pond with a shoot-the-chutes runnin' down into it. "'Where's the lake? Peewee says to Orphy. "'Right in front of your nose, says Orphy, pointin' at the pond. "'She's some body of water, says Peewee. 'If you ain't careful a big rough guy'll come along here with a tin cup some dark night 'n' go south with her. "'I guess not, says Orphy. 'She's four feet deep in spots.

That's your road, and a pleasant passage to ye, says he, pointin' to the plank.

"We was well up, with the canvas half off her, sailin' easy, on the lookout for a berth, when a punt put out from a stage up alongshore, an' come down with the water curlin' from her bows. "'What's the meanin' o' that, Docks? sings the skipper, pointin' t' the punt. 'They're goin' out o' the course t' keep t' win'ard. "'Skipper Jim, says I, 'they knows us. "'Sink us, says he, 'they does!

There he is now, he says sudden-like, pointin' to a guy amblin' along the sidewalk with half a dozen kids taggin' at his heels, 'there's the guy what's goin' to make your runners look like candidates from a young ladies' finishing school. Take a good look at him, Chip, so yuh'll know him the next time yuh see him.

"Elsy is at the top of the steps lookin' kind of haughty, 'n' say! he's got a bundle of tickets a foot thick in his hand. "'What dead one's name is on all them soovenirs? I says, pointin' to the tickets. "'Mr. Blister, he says, 'after our conversation yesterday I made inquiry concerning the rights of a trainer.

Wade, the railroad president, and hidden it." "That's what comes of listening at keyholes. Go on." "That's all, Mr. Kendrick. She was kind of worried over you callin' on her father an' give me Hail Columbia for losin' sight of you last night after she'd gone to the trouble of pointin' you out to me. But I aint no dime novel detective!" "Why should she be interested in my movements?" "Search me!"

"'Suppose, I said, 'that this man with the heavy load wished to mislead us; suppose that instead of bringing something here he took one of these old castings away? "The hobo looked at me without changing his position. "'How could he, Governor; he was pointin' this way with the load? "'By walking backward, I said.

He smiled faintly, and again Tresler noted the nasty tone of derision in his voice when he answered. "I thought maybe you'd learnt a deal out here where you find everybody on their own. I thought you'd p'r'aps learned that it ain't wise to raise trouble till you've got the business end of your gun pointin' right. Can't you see there's not a cent's worth of evidence against the man yet?