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... Tu as le coeur a rire, Moi je l'ai a pleurer, J'ai perdu ma maitresse Sans pouvoir la r'trouver, Pour un bouquet de roses Que je lui refusai Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, Jamais je ne t'oublierai.

Genevieve," he crossed his hands on his heart, gazed towards heaven and rendered his soul to his Creator. Piteuse chouse est et digne de pleurer le trépassement de ce saint prince, says Joinville, to whom the story was told by the king's son "A piteous thing it is and worthy of tears the passing away of this holy prince."

Tu as le coeur a rire Mai j'l'ai-t-a pleurer," ran his chanson. Phillips had seen the fellow several times, and the circumstances of their first encounter had been sufficiently unusual to impress themselves upon his mind. Pierce had been resting here, at this very spot, when the Canuck had come up into sight, bearing a hundred-pound pack without apparent effort.

"A professional beauty, my dear fellow expected every head to be turned when she came into a room." "Oh, Neave," I groaned. "Yes, I know. You're thinking of what we felt that day we first saw her in London. Many a poor devil has sold his soul as the result of such a first sight! Well, I sold her instead. Do you want the truth about her? Elle etait bete a pleurer."

Whereupon the shortest creature that ever bore so lengthy a name, a dwarf not more than four feet high, wearing a frock coat and bright yellow gloves, entered the room, and crossing it at a sort of trot fell on his knees by the side of Madame Brandt's chair. "Ah! Carissima, je vous vois enfin, Ach liebes Herz! Que j'ai envie de pleurer!"

Héloïse peut-être erra sur ce rivage, Quand, aux yeux des jaloux dérobant son séjour, Dans les murs du Palet elle vint mettre au jour Un fils, cher et malheureux gage De ses plaisirs furtifs et de son tendre amour. Peut-être en ce réduit sauvage, Seule, plus d'une fois, elle vint soupirer, Et goûter librement la douceur de pleurer; Peut-être sur ce roc assise Elle rêvait

[Footnote 1: 'J'ai passé moi-même chez une peuplade Indienne, qui se prenaît a pleurer

I wish that I could find out, if there were any thoughts of your brother's going Ambassador to France. I have as yet no authority for it, but the papers. The acclamations, as I am told, were prodigious. Tears of joy were shed in abundance. Nous savons ce que c'est que la populace, et combien peu il en coute a leurs caprices, ou de pleurer, on de massacrer, selon l'occasion.

Some have labored hoping to reform their generation, others have written to offer solutions for life's many problems. Beaumarchais, whose penetrating wit left few subjects untouched, makes his Figaro put the subject aside with "Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'etre oblige d'en pleurer." The author of this little volume pretends to settle no disputes, aims at inaugurating no reforms.

Toi qui a le coeur gai; Tu as le coeur a rire Mai j' l' ai-t-a pleurer." He sang long and lustily, keeping time to the dip of his flashing paddle and defying his bursting heart. After all, was he not a voyageur, and life but a song and a tear, and then a dream or two? "I wish I might have known him better," sighed Meade Burrell, as he watched the receding form of the boatman.