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The most noticeable feature of the ritual was the prominence assigned to women; "ce sont les femmes qui le pleurent, et qui l'accompagnent a sa tombe. Elles sanglotent eperdument pendant les nuits, c'est leur dieu plus que tout autre, et seules elles veulent pleurer sa mort, et chanter sa resurrection."

Before the end of the evening, they were more or less themselves again; the threatened storm averted; the trouble patched up and summarily dismissed, as only lovers can dismiss a cloud that intrudes upon their heaven of blue. "Le pire douleur est de ne pas, pleurer ce qu'on a perdu." But as days passed, both grew increasingly aware of the patch; and both very carefully concealed the fact.

I had anticipated something original. I had looked forward to some amusement. But, really, my dear Marcus, she is bete a pleurer weepingly stupid." "She certainly can weep," said I. "Oh, can she?" said Judith, as if the announcement threw some light on Carlotta's character. "And when she cries, I suppose you, like a man, give in and let her have her own way?" And Judith laughed again.

The last lines of an epitaph on one of these Pantomimic actors may be applied to many of them during their flourishing period: Toute sa vie il a fait rire; Il a fait pleurer a sa mort. Several of these admirable actors were literary men, who have written on their art, and shown that it was one.

She sat on the veranda of her villa and looked' out on the moonlit Mediterranean and wanted to cry "J'avais enbie de Pleurer" because she was all alone, having entertained at dinner a heap of dull and ugly people. She had spent a day on the yacht of a Russian Grand-Duke.