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Le Play's elaborate treatise, 'La Reforme Sociale, strongly attracted his attention. He was fond of statistical works, such as the 'Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, a little compilation bristling with facts.

Truly drama is beginning to be master of itself "the play's the thing". But far more important is the subject of this play. It raises one of the most difficult problems which demand a solution, the harmonisation of private judgment with state authority.

"I'll get him some day," Thyrsis had said to himself, after their last interview; and he found that he had almost "got" him now. There was no chance of the play's selling, said the professor, and therefore no recommending it for publication; but it was indeed a remarkable piece of work one might possibly say that it was a great piece of work.

She smiled mockingly; the fingers that caressed his hair were trembling. "We've tided each other over, Rod. The play's a success. You're all right again and so am I. Now's the time to part." "Is it Brent, Susie?" "I quit him last week." "There's no one else. You're going because of Constance!" She did not deny. "You're free and so am I," said she practically. "I'm going. So let's part sensibly.

I work on my own hook, in the matter of the fortun' 'cause how, Dick's not to be trusted where the play's all in his own hands; but as for cheating him out of the gal, there's no manner of good can come of it, and it's clear agin my own interest. No, captain, here's the case; you takes my gal Telie, and Braxley takes the t'other; and so it's all settled fair between you."

Judith had never had flowers sent to her before and she felt that it was quite an occasion, and in some mysterious way marked the fact that she was growing up and next year would be in the Sixth. It WAS exciting. "The play's to begin at seven sharp," called Jane. "Did you see the notice? early lunch and an hour's quiet before prize-giving. What a bore!" "I'll be glad of it," said Sally May.

But of late years I have got to read, not merely hear, of the play's failure 'which all the efforts of my friend the great actor could not avert; and the nonsense of this untruth gets hard to bear. I told you the principal facts in the letter I very hastily wrote: I could, had it been worth while, corroborate them by others in plenty, and refer to the living witnesses Lady Martin, Mrs.

Felicia rose and went out with the rest quietly, and with the absorbed feeling that had actually left her in her seat oblivious of the play's ending. She was never absent-minded, but often thought herself into a condition that left her alone in the midst of a crowd. "Well, what did you think of it?" asked Rose when the sisters had reached home and were in the drawing-room.

He remembered a word he had tossed to the lawyer some six weeks earlier, at the Century Club. "Yes my play's as good as taken. I shall be calling on you soon to go over the contract. Those theatrical chaps are so slippery I won't trust anybody but you to tie the knot for me!" That, of course, was what Ascham would think he was wanted for.

She wanted to hear all about you and everybody told her something different. All that's necessary is to mention your name and " "The play's begun. To be an inexhaustible subject of chatter is to serve a purpose in life. I'd prefer a nobler one, still Who was my inquiring friend?" "I've forgotten her name. She was the most miserable-looking woman I ever saw.