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"No," said Barbara, in a regretful voice. "He's really a good cragsman and knows exactly how far he can go. When he starts an awkward climb he reckons up all the obstacles and is ready to get round them when they come. The plan's good. People like Mortimer don't get stuck." "It's possible, but I expect they miss something now and then. There isn't much thrill in knowing you are safe."

He, like Paracelsus, had read that bitter sentence which declares that "collective man outstrips the individual": "God has conceded two sights to a man One, of men's whole work, time's completed plan, The other, of the minute's work, man's first Step to the plan's completion." And the poor minute's work assigned him by the divine law of justice and pity he accepts as his whole life's task.

We believe that God's angels follow the feet of little children and needy ones to protect them; does the devil also send his angels to lead unwary ones astray, and to protect the plan's of the erring ones? If so then he must have sent these Indians that morning to further Rosa's plans, and instantly she recognized her opportunity.

She might imagine I'd got on a jag! There are drawbacks to having a character like mine; it's easier lived up to than got rid of. However, what do you suggest?" "We'll hold on while the money lasts." "The plan's simple, as far as it goes. It's remarkable how short a time money does last and how hard it is to earn.

Matt, why don't you save the demurrage and take her out yourself eh?" And Cappy winked knowingly and prodded his general manager in the ribs. "I guess that plan's kind of poor eh, Skinner? I guess it won't work eh? Particularly when I come right back and say: 'Well, he might as well, for all the use he is round this office.

It's really just because you're afraid o' bein' whipped an' put to bed an' goodness knows, you deserve it!" With this, Rebecca turned grimly and went into the garden to hang the sheets up for an airing. There was a moment's awkward pause, and then Phoebe broke the silence. "Our plan's this, Mr. Droop," she said, "an' I hope you'll agree.

Hill and Conrad, on the other hand, seemed in very good spirits. They chatted cheerfully, and addressed an occasional word to Ben. They could afford to be magnanimous, feeling that he had forfeited their rich cousin's favor. After supper, Conrad went into his mother's room. "Our plan's working well, mother," he said, rubbing his hands. "Yes, Conrad, it is.

I think, all things considered, the Boston plan's the wisest possible one." She gazed into the fire a moment before replying. Then, stirring the coals with a stick, said she: "All right, boy; but I've got a suggestion to make." "What is it?" "We'll do better to follow the shore all the way round." "And double the distance?" "Yes, even so.

"The architect's a bite, and the plan's a bubble. I am sick of the sight of this rubbish, and I will soon replace our old alcoves, alleys, and flower-pots by an Italian garden and a new palace." "That, my lord, would be to waste, not to improve your fortune," said his domestic.

You don't reckon that." "'What the hell's to be done then, exclaimed Desborough, resorting to his favorite oath when in doubt. "'My plan's already cut and dried by a wiser head nor yours nor mine, as you shall larn; but first let a fellor wet his whistle. Here they both drained off another portion of the poison that stood before them.