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Updated: August 2, 2024

Stevens, which had fallen beneath a chair and thus escaped notice. "Why, I indeed, sir," said Mr. Brimberly, stooping to make a fierce clutch at it, "I took the liberty of showing a friend of mine your your picters, sir no offence, I 'ope, sir?" "Friend?" murmured his master. "Name of Stevens, sir, valet to Lord Barberton a most sooperior person indeed, sir!" "Barberton?

His quarters, too, at Maple Grove were not the most pleasant, for no one noticed him except grandma and John Jr., and with the conviction that "the Kentuckians didn't know what politeness meant," he ordered his horse after dinner, and started back to Lexington, inviting all the family to call and "set for their picters," saying that "seein' 'twas them, he'd take 'em for half price."

And then there wuz the first cannon ever brought to America, and the first church-bell ever rung in America, and picters of every place that Columbus ever had anything to do with, and a hull set of photographs of hisen. Good creeter! it is a shame and a disgrace that there is so many on 'em, and all lookin' so different as different as Josiah and Queen Elizabeth.

Ravenslee." "Then may I beg that you'll allood to him 'enceforth as Young Har? This is Young Har's own room, sir. These is Young Har's own picters, sir. When Young Har is absent, I generally sit 'ere with me cigar and observe said picters. I'm fond of hart, sir; I find hart soothing and restful. The picters surrounding of you are all painted by Young Har's very own 'and subjeks various.

And this is your old woman, I s'pose. Miss Graham, how-dy-du? Darned if you don't look like Aunt Nancy, only she's lean and you are squatty. S'posin' you give me a call and get your picters taken. I didn't get an all-killin' sight of practice in Lexington, for the plaguy greenhorns didn't know enough to patternize me, and 'taint a tarnation sight better here; but you," turning to Mr.

"Do you recognize any one there?" "By Jinks!" exclaimed Jenkins, who recognized his own portrait first of all. "You've been takin' our picters to use ag 'in' us. Gimme that!" Jenkins tried to snatch the picture as Jack drew it back, but Percival, by a quick movement, threw his hand up and said sharply: "No, you don't, my man! We want to keep that picture for evidence.

They give her dyspepsy, anyhow." The muscles of John Meredith's face grew rigid in his endeavor to maintain a serious expression. He had taken out a notebook at the beginning of the interview to jot down the addresses, but he copied Amarilly's comments as well, for the future entertainment of Colette. "'July 25 and 26. Mr. Derry Phillips, The Navarre. 2 dollers. Pade. He paints picters.

We take everything that comes in pies and pickles and bedquilts and pumpkins and everything; putty triflin' stuff, some of it, but they take it. This is different, I s'pose?" "A little. Yes. They only take the best or what they call the best." The tone was bitter. Uncle William looked at him mildly. "Then they took yourn every one on 'em. They was as good picters as I ever see."

It's so dark in her room she can't see and she's almost ruined her eyes working by candle light." "She'll mess it all up!" grumbled Sam; "an' she might let other folks in an' they'd pinch the picters an' the posy." "No, she won't do that. I've talked to her about it. The room is to be hers for the day, and she's to keep it looking just as nice as it did when she found it.

We found Hatye a good-lookin' buildin', a story and a half high, with a good-lookin' dome a-risin' out of the centre. And inside on't we found exhibits in fruit, grain, and machinery, and all sorts of products, and in the picters and other works of art we see that the Hatyeans wuz a-doin' first rate.

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