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Why, he and Miss Connie grew up together, brother and sister-wise. The way of it was that Mr. Max's mother died when he was but a tiny and Mrs. Lisle, Miss Connie's mother, about took him for her own. He's fair lived with them. Many's the time he and Miss Connie have run in here for their tea or to dry their feet. You see I was parlor-maid at the Manor before I married Trott. That was when Mr.

When he returned luncheon was ready, but Violet was absent. He rang the bell. "Where is your mistress, Jane?" he asked the parlor-maid. The girl had no idea. Mrs. Ruff had left for the village several hours before; since then she had not been seen. Peter Ruff ate his luncheon alone, and understood. The afternoon wore on, and at night he traveled up to London.

I decided that the adventure had gone quite far enough, and if I had been able to explain to the Russian that I had lost my way in the fog, and only wanted to get back into the street again, I would have left the house on the instant. "Of course, when I first rang the bell of the house I had no other expectation than that it would be answered by a parlor-maid who would direct me on my way.

The admiral has returned, and you will have to begin by waiting on him at dinner to-day." With those words, Mrs. Drake, the housekeeper, closed the door; and the new parlor-maid was left alone in her bed-chamber at St. Crux. That day was the eventful twenty-fifth of February. In barely four months from the time when Mrs.

Though to be sure, she might have admitted her visitor." "Explain! explain," cried Mr. Octagon, ruffling his hair. "Well, to tell the story in detail," said his step-son, "the way it happened is this. Aunt Selina had Mr. Hale and Mr. Clancy and Mrs. Herne to their usual game of whist. Clancy, as it appears from the report of what the new parlor-maid overheard, quarrelled with Hale and Mrs. Herne.

In well-regulated households there is a day for sweeping, a day for silver cleaning, a clay for mirror-polishing, and another for making bright and neat the fireplaces; but each one of these duties requires a certain share of attention every day. The parlor must be dusted, and the fires attended to, of course, so the parlor-maid, or the waitress, in a large family has much to do.

And I've been growing afraid that the world was getting to be a most humdrum and uninteresting planet!... Miss Calendar, I am a widower of so many years standing that I had almost forgotten I had ever been anything but a bachelor. I fear my house contains little that will be of service to a young lady. Yet a room is at your disposal; the parlor-maid shall show you the way.

Shaw was out driving with grandma, and Fanny was making calls; so that there was no one but Polly to stand by Tom, for the parlor-maid turned faint at the sight of blood, and the chamber-maid lost her wits in the flurry. It was a bad cut, and must be sewed up at once, the doctor said, as soon as he came. "Somebody must hold his head;" he added, as he threaded his queer little needle.

"What reply did she make?" demanded Cuthbert, exasperated by the false position he was placed in. "She said that she would explain nothing in case you should get into trouble with the police. Can you explain that?" "No," said Mallow, perplexed. "I really cannot be responsible for the vagaries of a parlor-maid.

"I have seen Mr. Mallow before," said Susan, gasping and flushing. "At Rose Cottage?" said Mallow inquiringly. "No. When I was with Senora Gredos as parlor-maid." "Senora Gredos?" said Jennings, before Cuthbert could speak. "Do you mean Maraquito?" "I have heard that her name was Maraquito, sir," said Susan calmly. "A lame lady and fond of cards. She lives in "