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Previous to my connection with the Revista Nueva, I had contributed articles to El Liberal, El Pais, El Globo, La Justicia, and La Voz de Guipuzcoa, as well as to other publications. A year after my contributions to the Revista Nueva, I brought out Sombre Lives, which scarcely sold one hundred copies, and, then, a little later, The House of Aizgorri, the sale of which fell short of fifty.

Honradissimos son mis motivos, ni tengo proyecto ninguno, o de comercio, o de la soldadesca, no siendo yo, o comerciante, o oficial. Hidalgo catolico soy, de hacienda in Ynglatierra, y muchos años de mi vida he pasado en caminar. Ultimamente, de Demeraria vengo, la qual dexé el 5 dia de Abril, para ver este hermoso pais, y coger unas curiosidades, especialmente, el veneno, que se llama wourali.

Anyhow, our big duck wants to forget the time he was wearing a mask and bending a six-gun for a living. Also and moreover, he's right anxious to have other folks get a chance to forget. From what I can hear he's clean mashed on some girl at Amarillo, or maybe it's Fort Lincoln. See what a twist Strove's got on him if he can slip into the Mal Pais country on the q. t."

I'm headed now for the Mal Pais mines. Friends of mine are interested in a property there with me and I have been sent to look the ground over and make a report. I never heard of Kinney till to-day. You've got the wrong man, gentlemen." "We'll risk it," laughed one brutally. "Bring that riata, Tom." Neill did not struggle or cry out frantically.

"What is it made of?" inquired Jack. "Bread-crumbs, sur. I'm used to make it of pais, but it takes longer, d'ye see, for I've got to pound 'em in a cloth after they're roasted. The crumbs is a'most as good as the pais, an' quicker made whin yer in a hurry." Jack's first impulse was to countermand the crumbs and order tea, but he refrained, and went out to survey the back regions of his new home.

A procession was soon formed, which we followed, and we found ourselves in front of the editorial offices of El Pais. "Shall we go in?" asked Villar. "Do you know Lerroux?"

I should feel safer in your company, lieutenant." "You'll be safe enough in his, Miss Kinney." "You know me then?" she asked. "I've seen you at Fort Lincoln. You were pointed out to me once as a new teacher." "But I don't want to go to the Mal Pais mines. I want to go to Fort Lincoln. As to this gentleman, I have no claims on him and shall not trouble him to burden himself with me."

Steve whistled to his pony, swung to the saddle when it trotted up, and waved his hat in farewell. His "Adios!" drifted back to them from the crown of the hill just before he disappeared over its edge. Larry Neill watched him vanish and then turned smiling to Miss Kinney. "All aboard for the Mal Pais," he sang out cheerfully. Too cheerfully perhaps.

El Liberal and El Pais are Republican, and El Correo Español is Carlist, or clerical. This paper appears to be looked upon a good deal in the nature of a joke by its colleagues, and quotations from it are always accompanied by notes of exclamation.

The island was at peace when Cepeda, Lopez de Brinas and Marquez Sterling, all journalists, were deported. The liberty of the press was and still is a myth. El Pais, the Autonomist organ, was criminally prosecuted in 1889 because it denounced the appointment of one of the sons of the president of the Havana Court of Appeals to a place which he could not lawfully hold.