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She showed me a bar of lead twisted up into a knot, and said she was a good shot with it generly, but she'd wrenched her arm a day or two ago, and didn't know whether she could throw true now. But she watched for a chance, and directly banged away at a rat; but she missed him wide, and said "Ouch!" it hurt her arm so. Then she told me to try for the next one.

The Germans could make it look like a bridge where there wasn't any bridge don't you remember?" "Some engineers!" Barnard observed. "Ouch, but my head hurts! Going down, hey? I don't like those shadow bridges; it's all a matter of taste, I suppose. Oh boy, how my head aches!" "If it was broken it wouldn't ache," said Tom consolingly, "or you wouldn't know it if it did. Can you get up?"

The maintainer is like the Arab; he never refuses to entertain a guest. The old man sat at the end of the table, with Duffield on his right and his daughter, a girl about seventeen, and barefooted, next beyond. The family circle was large and, with the four guests, the table was crowded. In the midst of the meal they were startled by the girl who, crying "Ouch!" jumped up from the table.

Ah gotter sit somewheres." "Ouch! What fool put rye-straw in here?" "Powerful penetratin', ain' hit?" "Now, look here, that dog's gotter run with the rest. They ain' no room for him in this wagon." "Cain' you-all make them horses o' yo's git along a little mo' lively, Alf? Mr. Baron'll 'a' cleaned the mountain o' 'possums befo' we git there."

"I can stand," she said, grimly. "But don't stand on my foot, please, Miss!" snapped a girl she was crowding. "Haven't you any feet of your own?" "Oh, cracky, Bertha! you know she's got to stand somewhere. And your feet " "Ouch! who are you shoving?" "Step forward, please!" "Plenty of room up front!"

Sam had leaped to his feet, empty handed and vociferous. "Ow ow, OUCH!" he shouted, as he rubbed his suffering arm and shoulder. Then, exasperated by Herman's lamentations, he called angrily: "Oh, what I care for your ole britches? I guess if you'd 'a' had a cat climb up YOU, you'd 'a' dropped 'em a hunderd times over!"

"Ouch! who left tacks on the floor?" "Gee whiz! stop that!" Jack had strewn a few small tacks on the floor and the boys who had meant to give him a little hazing had stepped upon them in the dark. One of the invaders fell against the bed and at once the water jug tumbled over upon him or at any rate that was what he supposed had happened in his confusion.

"Now, when all these fellows go about nitrating their glycerine," said Hawkins serenely, "they simply overlook the scientific principle which I have discovered. For instance, out there at Pompton the vat exploded in the very act of mixing in the glycerine. That's just what is being done over in that corner at this minute " "Ouch!" I cried involuntarily.

"Great conspirators, they are!" sniffed Jerry. "They might at least grease their oars." He heard the mumble of low voices, the sush of a boat keel on the sand. Reaching down, he caught up a big handful of pebbles; with a hard overhand swing he let them fly. He heard a muttered "Ouch!" and then, after a moment's silence, once more the creak-crook of oars.

And as it happened to be the paw that had been struck by the bullet, Nero felt great pain, for the bullet was still in the flesh, though healed over. "Ouch!" cried Nero, in lion language. "That will teach you not to strike at me when I am only trying to pat you and be kind to you," said the man with a laugh. "You are beginning to learn things, my lion friend."